How much do you spend on vape products?

I want to take a census. Pretty easy.

I just put a vape juice and coil order in, realized I’m ordering the same amount, but instead of every month, it’s been every three months.

Broken down I spend $45 a month for everything I need to happily vape away.

What do you think?


I spend $45 a month

$11 a week

My flair costs $11 and I smoke one a week


We spend around that for 2 people to vape.


I don’t feel like that is too much.


What’s your trick? Vape less than I do? Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I hit it all day too!!!

Much better than a $13 pack of cigs here each day

And much healthier imo


Oh dude, I was spending about $200 a month on smokes, two cartons a month, that was ridiculous.

Much better now.


Last cigarette my lungs weren’t doing well

I thought I was gonna die after smoking 1/3rd of if before I threw it out

But vapes (nicotine salts) actually cured my lungs. I’m no scientist or doctor but pretty sure nicotine salts cured my bronchitis

Even tho I was playing with fire with fire by hitting it. It worked out ok.


Too much, been getting disposables. Need to do it cheaper. Just had bad luck with refillables.



Now ask how much I spend on regular cigarettes :sweat_smile:


We buy one bottle of 250ml a month. It’s $20. Then 2 packs of coils, $10 each.

Though we bought a bunch of vape juice several months ago and haven’t bought any more. We’ll need to but more in a month or two.


I’m getting by with one 30ml at 60mg a month at $16 per bottle plus on average one coil\pod combo a week at $5 a pop. So probably $41 a month after taxes as I support my local vape shop.

It’s pretty wicked stuff so I don’t need to be sucking on it constantly.


Vaping juice is much cheaper in the US. Lets see, 50$cad 120ml 40mg salts last me two months and I use one pod every 2-3weeks. One pod cost me 3.75$cad. So about 30$cad/month. My vape is only 11w and its small so it doesn’t consume much juice but it hits strong since its 40mg salts. It doesn’t make much vapor either but I am happy.

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I’m new to vaping, I spend 8 on vape,but I do smoke cigarettes on the side…so that’s bit much. I might try cessation smoking cigs… it does no good, but it gets me out my room

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When I was vaping, I did spend around 60 to 80 € every month compared to 130 to 140 € on smoking tobacco every month.

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Can anybody direct me to a good low maintainance, quality vape?

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alot because i sometimes throw out juices in an effort to quit nicotine than buy more after a couple days. recently i bought a 30 ml bottle of 50mg nic salts and mixed it with pure vg to make a little over 100ml of 12ish mg, the 30ml bottle cost $14.95 online plus the site i use has free shipping on every order

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I use an Innokin Endura t20-s. They’re pretty low maintenance. Just switch out the coils when the draw gets bad. Holds a good bit of juice. Fits in a pocket easy.


I hope zero :frowning:

I used to smoke a pack a day and more but have been smoke free for over a year… wishing you well on your journey to 0. You can do it!


Well, im going to the vapeshop down the road. Ill just ask whats best there. I think they have some knlwoedgable, nice staff.