Why Does It Mean To Feel Like A Ghost?


I See, :skull_and_crossbones: And…, :rofl:. Because My, :purple_heart:…, Is Filled With, :star_struck:.

One Day…, I Hope…, That Is Enough!.

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

P.s. The, :imp:…, Is, :space_invader:, Because The, :alien: Don’t Like That Kinda Stuff!.

(The Orbital Compass- ‘YouTube’.)

<<<~@~@~@~(((!|i|!)))~~~ :heart: :100: :heart:~~~(((!|i|!)))~@~@~@~>>>


There Was A, :male_detective:. And He Handed Me The, :old_key:.

I Began To, :thinking:. And Searched Through The, :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:.

And Within It, A, :fountain:. Where I Met An, :alien:.

I Asked About Our, :heart:. And He…, :writing_hand:, The Answer In A, :musical_score:

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

(The Orbital Compass- ‘YouTube’.)

<<<~@~@~@~(((!|i|!)))~:maple_leaf: :spider: :maple_leaf:~(((!|i|!)))~@~@~@~>>>

To feel that you don’t exist… :stuck_out_tongue:

Or to feel unworldly and not connected to the environment around you which is the more traditional sense of the term.


Is That A Good Feeling?.. :sleeping:

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

I can speak personally of having a fugue dissociative episode where I lost consciousness for over 3 weeks and didn’t exist to myself “No”. Well coming back to myself wasn’t fun anyway.


What Did You “come back” Into, Within?.. :sleeping:

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

My sense of ‘I’ returned. I had no memory of what had happened.

I was in my house and had muscle aches all over my body and didn’t know why. I was delusional and freaking out. I was scared stiff.

They won’t let me se my medical notes to find out what happened. It turns out I had a ECT but know nothing else.


The You In Yourself, The One Inside Of The You?.. :sleeping:

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

Yes, in that I can live in the present and form memories of now and plan a future which is essentially what it is to be alive.

Imagine closing your eyes and opening them again and weeks have passed.


The Present As A Melody Swiftly Becoming The Shadow Within The Energy Of Self?.. :sleeping:

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

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The, :houses: Began To, :busts_in_silhouette:, As The, :owl:, Whispered To The, :paw_prints:, I Hid In, :spider_web:, Witnessing The, :butterfly:.


Some Say.

Dangerous Things.

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

(The Orbital Compass- ‘YouTube’.)

<<<~@~@~@~(((!|i|!)))~:spider_web: :paw_prints: :spider_web:~(((!|i|!)))~~@~@~@~>>>

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