As far as I know I’ve never had crazy eyes. Why do some people get them and not others? Is there a medical/biological reason for this? Hm…
People say my eyes look crazier …!!Cuz i give them crazy sz look …!!! don’t know any thing about it…???
I theorize that this has something to do with schizophrenia. Having one squinty eye.
It’s like each eye tells a different story
Another question, why do mods put you at “new user” status without telling you why, and how do you get back to normal status?
this thread has the most intriguing questions among all the other threads in this forum. lol.
normal eyes:
sz eyes:
Sooner’s eyes:
now everyone calm down. I’m not saying blue eyes are normal. I legit did a google search of “eyes” and it showed me a gazillion blue eyes. and I’ll be darned if you all want me to show a picture of each color eye in the rainbow.
It’s because I’m the one asking the questions
I’ve been told I have “schizo eyes” before. Apparently they’re really wide and excited.
I usually did it with problem posters who needed to be dialed back, but would explode if I tried to bring it up with them.
Stop being a problem poster.
(I am SO GLAD this is no longer my headache.)
Actually I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with my posts and everything to do with me talking to a forum member that Moonbeam didn’t want me talking to. But I don’t think there’s a rule that says you can only talk to people if Moonbeam lets you. Maybe I missed that. It wasn’t even about what was being said, it had nothing to do with that, it was just about who I was talking to. And the person I was talking to wanted me to talk to him! lol… Craziness… Crazy Moonbeam…
But I’m not blowing up about it, I’m very calm. It’s still frustrating though.
Inappropriate use of PMs would also get you dialed back to New User to prevent you from initiating private convos. Odds are you were acting “stalkish” without realizing it. FWIW, @Moonbeam has pretty good judgement – better than mine, actually.
I was definitely being stalkish with @chew a while back. But not with @DatTallGuyCam which is who she didn’t want me talking to. But it’s ok. I really was/am only talking to him because he kept saying how lonely he was and then he was talking like he wanted to hurt himself so I thought it would be good for me to talk to him and be supportive. That’s all it was.
Is being “stalkish” a thing with Sz/SzA?
Inability to read and respond appropriately to social cues definitely is. You wouldn’t believe how much I struggled with it at the new job yesterday. I think all of us with SZ (and an extra dose of autism) struggle with this to some extent.
From what I recall, the user in question was in a crisis situation and I think the mods were being extra careful to make sure nothing triggering happened behind the scenes, which is part of what they do.
Yeah he was/is. But I feel like they could have just asked me not to talk to him. I would have listened. They didn’t have to “punish” me.
Sooner, this was explained to you in your conversation with Moonbeam and me. I’m assuming that you don’t want the details posted publicly?
No I suppose not but I really don’t remember what the problem was. I’ll figure out… For the record, I did what Moonbeam asked and stopped using the PMs to talk to Cam.
Well, I’m off to work. Have a good day, people.
Lol @shutterbug just can’t walk away from that mod life.
u going for fuel truck driving…right !!!
Hey I have a deep appreciation and respect for forum mods, I used to (before SzA) lead a gaming clan and I not only had to plan matches, do all that stuff, I also had to be admin of the forum, and it was very stressful.