Why do people

Why do so many people assume ill be better from sz if i have a girlfriend.

So many people think as long as you have a partner and a sex life, youll be free from psychosis. But thsts not true is it, because plenty of married people end up with sz or psychosis.

It does my head in, because i feel pressure to find someone so that people will realise the illness is real and thst even having a partner doesnt solve sz

Has anyone else come across this with the general public?


No point in being alone forever. Maybe the wrong girl will make psychosis worse , the right girl will relieve the loneliness?


I wouldn’t mind a relationship, but I have lived alone for 6 1/2 years now, so I think I am pretty set in my ways

Maybe now I can’t accommodate another human now?


I think im like thst too, its been seven years since i was last involved with anybody. And she was a little odd for my mental health

I dont like the idea of opening up to others at all anymore aside from my family

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I had a girlfriend even though I did not realise it at the time

She spooked me away with her public displays of affection

Yea, same! I only confide here and with family

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Life is more fun doing it with others and it’s worthwhile trying to engage sometimes. It’s hard with a world that is increasingly isolational especially if you have a mental illness.


I think some people have this idea that a disabled or mentally ill person can get better if someone “loves them back to health,” which… is extremely irresponsible lol

You gotta find romantic and sexual love when and if YOU decide you’d like to engage with that. You’re a person. It really sucks that people are saying this to you enough that it’s become an issue, that would really upset and frustrate me too

I haven’t come across this specifically but I can relate as a gay man who’s been told time and time again that I just need to “find the right girl.” Ha. No, I don’t think I do.

Also, I got with my current partner when my psychosis was extremely dangerous and harmful to me and the people around me. It nearly destroyed our relationship because I became emotionally abusive without realising because I was so incredibly delusional and paranoid. I would give ANYTHING to go back and tell myself to wait, allow those romantic feelings, but step back from that romantic relationship until I felt stable enough to treat him with the trust, patience and love he deserved. So to me, the idea of getting a partner “fixing schizophrenia” is provably nonsense. I got WAY WORSE. This isn’t the case for everyone but just my experience

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