Why do I want to hurt people horrible intrusive thoughts

i feel like I have another brain inside my head and something evil lives there he whispers thing and pushes violent homicidal thoughts into my consciousness like I can be driveing down the road and he will tel me to swerve and crash into another person or like if I’m standing in line behind some one he wants me to reach around and cut their throats and there’s no reason behind it I’m not a violent person but he’s been eating away at my mind for years now and he makes the scenarios feel so good like a rush he makes me want them so i haven’t been pushing him out like a should I dwell on them sometimes for hrs I’ve already been hospitalized by my therapist once for these kinds of thoughts and I want to avoid going back but I don’t know how to stop him I’m afraid one day I’ll act on those thoughts without even realizing it just on an impulse Do any of you have this problem or am I just a monster at my core

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It seems like lots of people on here have embarrassing or generally unattractive intrusive thoughts. Just remind yourself that it’s not really something you believe.

Are your meds not working for you? Have you tried switching meds?

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My intrusive thoughts aren’t quite as graphic as yours but are violent and very negative. Please speak with your pdoc about this ASAP, especially if you really feel like you might follow through with one of these impulses. You are not your voices but you are how you handle them… medication can help.


yea, I use to bad mouth everyone back in the early days… but I would always ignore it in this self rightoues persona I was forcing onto myself - but after a while, I realized even that was part of schizo symptom, so I just said f0k off and ignnored the fact I would call my friend a ‘motherf0king stupid azzhole’ straight to his face.

I’ve had very similar thoughts. Even toward my family members. It got really bad and i had no choice but to go to the hospital.

Try one of three things:

  1. A benzo for anxiety, take on bad days, should help with anxiety by increasing GABA and reducing dopamine indirectly
  2. An ssri like zoloft, helps with intrusive thinking through serotonin increase
  3. Higher antipsychotic dosage – should help by antagonizing dopamine stopping delusional aspect of intrusive thoughts (the ‘I might act on it’ type thoughts)

Get back to us after talking to your pdoc, tell us what he suggested. Say you have schizo-ocd, not just schizophrenia. She ought to know what to do about OCD type symptoms.

I’m trying to avoid going to the hospital for as long as possible I see my therapist on Friday and my psychiatrist next week

Yeah I have homicidal thoughts lately too.just a mess. Going to pdoc tomorrow. Keep fighting the thoughts if you can

Thoughts are thoughts. They can be trying and they can be weird and different for the schizophrenic but it’s always about choice and action.

It’s not good to act on bad thoughts. It’s not good to choose to act on bad thoughts. Many a folk is in Jail because of such things.

It’s about managing and medication. You need to be proactive on both! I think some seriously focked up shite but I don’t act on it…I know it’s not normal and that is the key! Thinking too much is a problem with schizophrenics…it leads to trouble. Take meds think less! It’s the schizophrenic cry of the two thousands!

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The dwelling part is what you need to address, you should not dwell on these thoughts, at the very least, you should have the capacity not to dwell on these thoughts. So its about changing either your meds or your thought process or your lifestyle. Your life should be sufficently varied and you should develop better coping strategies.

Again mine have never being that much of a problem, because they are pushed out immediately.

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