Why do I feel so tired daily

It’s almost like I could sleep all day,and just don’t want to talk to anyone…What should I do and what’s this?

Could it be low testosterone or hypothyroidism?

It could be al lot of things. Not least of which is your meds. But you should really be bringing this up with your doctor.


I feel like this almost daily - with the exception of being either manic, or occasionally excited to do something.

The more you fight the need to stay in bed the “easier” it becomes to get up each day and live a life you are satisfied with.

Ask your doctor about changing your med schedule to one that doesn’t cause you to be drowsy.

Try to stay away from alcohol and processed foods.

Drink more water.

Exercise regularly or at least walk and get fresh air.

Each of these things helps more than you know.

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things like depression, meds, diet and sleep come to mind as the usual suspects

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