They dont smell
They dont bark
They dont sh!t and piss on your floors
They have better personalities
Im sure there are many more reasons but this is a good start for my thread. Thanks for reading!
They dont smell
They dont bark
They dont sh!t and piss on your floors
They have better personalities
Im sure there are many more reasons but this is a good start for my thread. Thanks for reading!
Litter boxes stink, but if you can get over that they’re a little easier maybe.
I love my cat and dog equally
I wasn’t aware cats didn’t need showers to not smell.
My dog is potty trained and he doesn’t need a kitty litter indoors.
My Corgi disagrees
Cats are allergic
They make hell lots of sound before mating
They all ways make fur balls
Yes they had good personality! I accept this
Cats have 9 lives
The perfect dog beats the perfect cat hands down, imo
This thread is gonna start as much beefs as the 90s gangster rap scene. LOL.
My dog doesnt smell either. She’s a papillon and that breed doesnt have doggie odor.
Cats bathe themselves unless theyre really fat you dont have to give them baths
Some cry. Alot.
So magically, cats just learned to use their litter boxes.
Have U ever owned a dog ?
That being said, I’m a cat man, and I’ve had a dog.
My dog doesn’t stink, she only barks when the doorbell rings or when i give her the hand signal to speak, she tells me when she has to go outside by licking my hand, and, best of all, she knows how to fetch things on command. I’ve yet to see a cat who can bring me the TV remote if i drop it. Dogs are far more trainable IF the owner puts in the effort…still, purrs are a totally cute cat specialty!
All my cats magically learned to use the litterbox
I’m taking this thread personally.
Seriously, we love dogs and cats because they love us unconditionally, so they don’t judge. They don’t care what we look like or what mental illness we have. They just want to love and be loved.
Dogs and cats have more in common than what separates them. Just like us.
My little dog is the boss of me and the boss of my two cats.
The hierarchy:
They are cuter. The way they walk. They don’t need a walk.
We identified 1915 studies, of which 106 were chosen for full-text review, ultimately resulting in the inclusion of 17 studies. We found an association between broadly defined cat ownership and increased odds of developing schizophrenia-related disorders
My cat can stink out the entire home when he goes on a bombing run. I love the little dude to bits, but, WHOA.
Problem worth having, then. Still better than a dog.
My dog doesn’t smell and rarely barks
He also doesn’t pee or poop in the house
Dogs have friendlier eyes.
In my house my cat is the reigning Queen
Then comes my puppy and then comes me.
My dad is on the lowest rung