Why can't everyone be friends

Age, gender, nationality, why should these things get in the way?

Lol I sound like every hippie ever.

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Do you want to be friends with a serial killer?

HI i am ur friend already…

Ted Bundy displayed honesty and humility in his last interview. Would i want him to leave prison? Nope. Would I want to save him from execution and be humane towards him? you bet your ass I do.

Ted Bundy crow barred a 12 year old in the head and raped her then dumped her body. typical way he killed his victims. I would say he deserved what he got.

So we return the favor by premeditated murder that the executed know of years in advance? I like you jukebox but i definitely disagree

It’s o k. there are a few individuals who I have to support the execution. timothy mcveigh was another. he was responsible for the Oklahoma city bombing.


I agree with Bluey2 they shouldnt be excuted they should spend the rest of their lifes in a maxmium security prison

KI have so mixed feelings about this.

Is there a chance they will repent and be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ?

Those that show no remorse and just use their time to continue their warped behavior are just a scorge on the families of their victims.

I don’t know if I could be so forgiving if someone i knew was a victim.

its not natural to kill, i think they should not be forgiven unless they take responsibility for what they did and are genuinely sorry and show remorse, basically, they should want to be punished imo and accept it

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Brother how did this thread get to be a downer?

Peace and love. I get side tracked on bad stuff. I often have to remind myself out loud. " think happy thoughts "

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I was in favor of the death penalty for a while, but then I kept seeing all these stories of guys who had been wrongfully convict of serious crimes. Sometimes witnesses recanted their testimony, and sometimes dna evidence cleared them. I don’t like to think that an innocent person could get executed by the state, though it does seem to be a possibility. Because of that I turned against the death penalty.

I’m on the side of jukebox on this one. OK, why should that 12-year old have been killed? There was no reason for it. If she would have lived she might have lived to be 80 or 90. She could have been the next Hillary Clinton or the next Gwuynth Paltro. But someone took her life. Why should a young girl die, while a monster lives?

Did Ted Bundy show this 12 year old old any compassion or mercy ? Why should we show Ted Bundy any mercy when he showed no mercy for 20 or 30 women? Why should Ted Bundy be treated like a human when for years he acted like an animal? Just think how all the families of the victim suffered because of one selfish psychopath. Why should he get to live to enjoy food or read a magazine or watch TV when he caused so much physical and emotional pain to so many people?

We should show him the same mercy that he showed his victims. How would you feel about Ted Bundy if that 12 year old girl he murdered that jukebox mentioned, was your sister? You might feel a little different about him. Well put yourself in the shoes of the girls family. I probably won’t change your stance on executions but these are some things to think about.

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Don’t underestimate the manipulative abilities of a sociopath.

The world needs more forgiveness. That is for sure. In the case of psychopathic serial killers - their freedom will almost always come at a cost to the innocent. I don’t personally agree with execution. Getting a little off topic though. My tagline!

There’s also the issue of corruption. There are more cases than I’d like to have read about that demonstrate corruption leading to the execution of the innocent. Thinking a child-murderer doesn’t deserve to live is not the same as not supporting the death penalty. It’s a political nightmare of a topic to be honest.

There was a case recently (in a suburb near where I used to live - and heinous crimes are not so common in these parts [Australia]) where a mother murdered her infant child. I would be lying if I said wanting the mother to pay the same price didn’t cross my mind, but vengeance has never paved way to humanitarian progress.

War can leave scars of bitterness. Our hearts can rise above. Death is not the end. Life renews itself.

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I know what you are getting at here. If we were just all respectful to one another regardless of positions in life, or our personal preferences, and characteristics our society as a whole could learn to cooperate and compromise with less need for rude, belittling comments, or infer to hidden innuendo and messages our world would be far less hostile. This could be just enough to prevent some atrocious murders for committing their crimes in the first place. Let’s be friends and take away people’s motives for Retribution and acts of hatred.

That 20 or 30 women he killed were robbed of there lives for no reason. It seems that the guy who killed her should be robbed of his life too.

Im all for executations. Hell id have no problem pulling the trigger. Eye for an eye. I hope one day capital punishment comes to Australia so real justice can be served.

Prisons should be about rehabilitation and protecting the society, not revenge.

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