So many people are born with diseases, disorders, abnormalities, deformities, disabilities, low IQ, you name it. We happen to fall into that category.
@insidemind without a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia you’re environment actions would not have led to schizophrenia. You can believe what you want to believe, but the science does point to multiple genes that 100% can lead to schizophrenia. People do drugs all the time, hardcore drugs, and don’t get schizophrenia. It’s more delicate and more complicated than what you did. I hope you do some research and learn that in time because it’s an unhealthy view that it’s all your fault, when it’s not.
Anyways. We were born with the predisposition to develop schizophrenia. It is what it is. It’s not great, by any means, but at least yes we are born in a time where we have meds that make life bearable, and we aren’t just thrown into a psych ward for the rest of our lives.
Schizophrenia has without question made me a better person. I hate the illness, wish I never got it, but that was the hand that fate dealt me, and I do not have time to point my finger at the sky and yell “unfair!”. Life does not give me that luxury, so I work with what I have, no matter what. That doesn’t mean I can’t be upset about it, or give myself a break, or learn to love myself when it’s bad, but again I want to live my life, and I just have to make it work despite the illness.
It is what it is my friend @VanDam. It’s not entity Directed willful punishment. It’s just part of the machinations of the universe. A challenge actually. A tough challenge to be sure. There are some fantastic developments that have come into my life ( my wife) because of schizophrenia and I’m very thankful for that.
@thomas. I do agree with you to a certain degree, but you are still missing some facts. I can absolutely assure you without a doubt that schizophrenia is not a clear cut 100% genetic factor. I know this because mine was brought on by an occult practice that I didn’t even realize was an occult practice. Within 6 hours of trying to talk to my recently deceased father…(aka, a séance), I woke up with a dark shadow standing at the end of my bed, which hours later was staring down at me from the ceiling with glowing red eyes. Three days later we started having physical disturbances in our home with items moving on their own and things flying across the room. This doesn’t even address any of the crazy things that only I am the one plagued to see. When I look in the mirror at times, I see my reflection, but with dark creepy eyes and thoughts that cross my mind that say “I am eventually going to get you. You can’t stop me!” It’s like I have my own inner demon trying to consume me!
I think as in the case of @insidemind…its an evil that tries to attack you when your mind is altered! Drugs might not be the case in my instance, but it is the case for a couple people I know.
All I’m saying is…just because there are facts supporting your opinion or theory, it doesn’t mean it applies to 100% of the cases. Leave some room for the scenarios that aren’t easily explained by science!
Once my father asked my ex psychiatrist why I have schizophrenia when no one else in the family has it. He told us: “these things happen, there’s no reason”
I’m not satisfied with the answers for WHY schizophrenia occurs. I think we deserve answers and we deserve more information about the illness. Even the doctors don’t know very much and it is very frustrating.
Like everything in life, it is a lesson to be learned. An opportunity for growth. Yes, it hurts like Hell, but you would never know what relief felt like if you didn’t suffer. Be strong, hold your head up and fight for your life.
What if you found out the government or some kid in his basement with a powerful computer was giving you schizophrenia for some unknown reason or to punish you? That would suck and that’s how I feel… like if you could predict with quantum access technology who would have potential and who would be successful and stopped it from happening???
Sometimes I say: maybe I have been a very bad person in another life and I’m being punished. But I don’t believe in another lives. I say this only when I feel desperate for having schizophrenia, cause sometimes I feel really really bad.
I know lol. But it’s a real possibility. I’m not saying it’s literally being run by a kid in a basement. I was being funny. People have mentioned that before.
@Persia I know what you mean. Sz symptoms 1st began in me after messing with one of those ouiji board things. Please, don’t anybody play with those or let your kids play with them.
I believe there are other dimensions(as proved by science)where good and evil entities live, unseen by humanity. And tho we cannot see them, the good and the bad can influence our lives.
Persia, you invited the evil with the séance, I invited them by using that evil device. I finally got rid of them about 8 years ago and I’ve been fine since.