Why are there only commercials for bipolar and not Schizophrenia?

I already renamed it, it’s pan’s disease, it’s when someone shows up and begins to creep into your mind in a very harmful manner and then you end up across country on the beach where you see pan, and on the way to the beach you stop at a pyramidal structure you happened upon and they try and convince you to stay at the top and die slowly.

Shadow people syndrome.

Light serpent disorder.

Alien’s disease.

Holy ■■■■ was that a ghost disorder.

looking at the same time on the clock repeatedly disorder.

Being harmed twice by visual “hallucinations” disease.

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**Good one!**That is what I`m going to start using!

Thanks to the media-I think they already are.

I wasn’t deemed that significant. My brothers just intentionally kept me out of their activities - which I desperately wanted to be a part of.

I used to try to tag along with them, but they always were faster, smarter and meaner than me. When they ran out of things to do, or their friends couldn’t play, they would turn on me. Things like burying my toys deep underground, wrapping live bullets in a plain piece of paper, light it, then tell me to stand beside it, shoot me with their BB gun…they also loosened the wheels on my skateboard, hide in my room at night and make noises to scare me. The list goes on and on…I developed a hypersensitivity to my surroundings…and this behavior they now call paranoia.

Dimensional Phasing Disorder.

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We’ve reached the point where they even have commercials and ad campaigns for prostate issues. Not that this is a bad thing, but it tells you just how low down the totem poll your own illness is when the promotional budget goes to an ad campaign encouraging men to have their doctors shove fingers up their hoobajoobs. Let’s face it – we’re even outranked by sphincter spelunking. Phooey.


It seems like yours was brought on by abuse.

Why are there only commercials for bipolar and not Schizophrenia?

Medications are given to the Bipolar patients.

For Schizophrenics, on the other hand, you have to take “YYYYYOOOOOUUUUURRRRR” meds, meaning you are on your own, those meds are yours and thus once we hand them to you we are detached from you, detached from “OUR” world.

Commercials would counteract this successful detachment.

Either that, or they are already happy as hell with all the money that they are making!

I think commercials only mention for bipolar is because a single pill doesn’t work for schizophrenia. usually people use cocktail of meds to have their symptom in control. and they can’t make commercials stating add this pill to your cocktail of meds.