is there an advert similar for risperidone?
Props to them for finally advertising their drug’s intended usage, instead of pretending it’s all about bipolar disorder like the rest of them.
This is a nice ad !!
I enjoyed watching it !!
I’ve never seen an advertisement for a medication for schizophrenia called a medication for schizophrenia.
If that makes sense.
Yeah same here. It’s kind of nice to have representation, even though I hate pharmaceutical advertisements in general.
I wonder how many people will feel like this ad is targeting them specifically, just a side thought.
Oh wow that’s cringe…
Thank you for sharing. Very moving commercial.
I kinda feel like they exaggerate/stereotype it a bit
I like that the depiction shows his own thoughts/voice/internal narrative overwhelming him. It’s familiar. I’ve never heard disembodied voices of other people talking to me so I never considered I was schizophrenic. I don’t like seroquel, it did nothing for me even at high doses, I’m glad to be on a more effective ap.
It would be more realistic if his face was chubbier after he took the medication.
I’m on Seroquel and I’m not chubby.
But when I was on Seroquel XR I was so tired all day. There’s no way I would be outside that early and look that awake.
Haha… i like it…
I can tell that it’s not an American commercial.
Here in the States, talking about schizophrenia in a tv commercial is taboo.
Pretty sad if you ask me.
Bipolar disorder is finally becoming more acceptable in today’s society.
I have most often heard of Seroquel being used for sleep. I tried it and it made me psychotic.
Truth is most of our meds are more widely prescribed for bipolar disorder and people who have no psychosis. That’s where they make their profit.
He’s all handsome after he takes his meds.
I saw a drug commercial on Hulu a few months ago for schizophrenia. I was surprised. I think it was for Invega Sustenna. Lemme see if I can find it.
Edit: I think it was Invega Trinza, but I can’t find it.
I love this commercial. I wish they had something like it in the U.S.
Woah - That was a bit freaky lol. Thats exactly like me when i got no meds lol. Im on 300mg of the stuff.
Wonderful to see commercials for schizophrenia. Hopefully it cause the general public to see it differently.
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