Anyone know why, for our mental health?
You mean Ritalin, Adderall etc? They boost dopamine while antipsychotics block dopamine.
Nah like. Coffee… Tea… Maybe booze? and like Ciggarettes?
Booze is not a stimulant, its the opposite, its a depressant. Caffeine shouldn’t be a problem for sz but it may worsen anxiety in some.
Nicotine isn’t a problem either for sz. At least my Drs never told me to stop caffeine or nicotine. I take caffeine pills and vape nicotine daily, no issues.
I drink a half pot of coffee and smoke a pack of cigarettes a day
One community health organization I know of gives free cartons of cigarettes to sz patients because, as one nurse said, they help stabilize their symptoms. He said that after I sarcastically said, “you must care about their health”
I think energy drinks are messing me up. It’s ■■■■■■■ super expensive and a waste of time and causes health problems. I don’t know why I do it.
Because they can trigger panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and psychosis.
I used to take a ton of caffeine pills and Stacker 2 pills. Never bothered me. Then several months ago i began having panic and anxiety with the Stacker 2 pills. Cannot take them now.
they’re not bad, everything is good at a particular time in moderate use. Its abusing these things thats bad for us. If youre tired and have a coffee to perk you up its great. If youre constantly tired and abusing coffee as your sole source of energy then thats substance abuse i would say.
I think when we abuse substances it overworks out body and makes us over tired. For example a little coffee can give us a boost by putting our body into overdrive and then maybe we can sleep a little longer later to balance it out, so it gives us a little flexibility in life. When we just knock back coffee after coffee our body is constantly in overdrive and we become overtired.
caffiene sugar and tobacco screw with dopamine and make it dysfunctional and make symptoms worse
Caffeine gives me the jitters, I feel all wobbly and can’t sleep. Decaf for me please! Alcohol in moderation can be OK but it lowers inhibition which is not a good mix with psychosis. I think nicotine helps SZ, but not our lungs.
Stimulants can trigger anxiety, panic attacks and psychosis.
If you drink a whole lot of coffee, I’m talking about many cups, this too can trigger psychosis.
I read that orange juice is a natural pick me up better than coffee. I tried it and it worked.
yea i actually heard that about apple juice haha i believe they both have their own merits
everything is good in its time i suppose
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