Why am I feeling like this

I’ve just recently uped my meds. Now it feels like I’m going into severe depression again. It’s like I keep afloat only long enough to accomplish a few things. And then I sink back under water. I used to think of things to do and was happy to do them. Now I care about nothing. I don’t even feel like eating. I seriously want to live in a bunker for like 10 years. I don’t even think I’m making sense anymore. Is the depression from the meds or do I need more of them idk. I don’t get it. When I was severly sick I had all the positive symtoms but no negative. Now that I’m on meds I have no positive symptoms and all negative. Wtf is going on.


Depression is common for schizophrenics.

Often it’ll come in later as your positive symptoms are being controlled by the meds and the drugs aren’t there for depression. It can also be negatives. Negatives are often hidden my the mania and stuff of psychosis so there’s a couple of strategies…

If it’s depression then antidepressants may help. You need to talk to your doctor. I do light anitpsychotics…10 mgs of zyprexa which isn’t too bad…but I take boatfulls of antidepressant. Effexor 300mgs which is a high dose! You need to figure out what works for you so see your shrink.

If it’s negatives then exercise…and other strategies may help. Lists etc. Most negative affected people don’t shower everyday for example. Simple things become hard. Very hard. You realize you need to do them but you just can’t.

As always. Bring it up with your doc! Relief could be at hand!


Thanks @rogueone

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me too… 151515115


I’ve been wondering about this too. When I was in my state of psychosis I wasn’t depressed or anything, just delusional but now that the positive symptoms have subsided I’ve been hit with crippling depression, lethargy, and a lot of negative symptoms which I don’t understand. I wanted to try Sarcosine before I went on an anti-depressant but I don’t know how much of this I can take. I don’t know if lowering the dose of my antipsychotic will help.

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I’ve already tried lowering my dose it doesn’t work. I’m thinking the medication must somehow transmute the positive into negative symptoms. Like if the outward expression of them is positive at the core they must start out as negative. What to do about it then is the question. I’ve tried just powering through and doing stuff anyway. It doesn’t really make a difference. I’m not feeling any alleviation. The old addage “just pull yourself up by your bootstraps” doesn’t apply here. Feels like I’m slowly dissolving.

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