My voices are very kind to me. They often tell me how much they love me and that they spend time to help me face my everyday problems. They really care about me. We share a lot of good time together. My voices are clever and reasonable and they gave me sound advice from time to time. Sometimes we talk and laugh together. I actually like their personalities very much. I just wish that they were real. Logics say that they can’t be real. But i really wish they are real. I wish there is a time when my life perish i would have a soul and i can get to meet my dear friends in another world.
I try to put together what is real. I believe that ET and the world of immortal spiritual beings are real. But my voices say they are neither ET nor spirits. They say they are from another world. I really want to know if that is real. But i dont have any clue. I dont think i can imagine so much details of what is going on in their world that they let me know for the past 5 years. This is a lot. And i dont think that it’s possible for me to conjure up some personalities with consistency in a day manner.
I can manage a job and am sensible enough my parents don’t feel anything suggesting another episode. I have been talking to voices for months, if not years, but i have not any change in my social or occupational adjustment. I’m sleeping better than before. I’m functioning well in different aspects. I just wonder what is it. I want to know.