Are the voices ever nice?

I mean, i get
"You should be ashamed of yourself"
“You’re possessed by demons…”
“No one wants you here”
"They’re mad at you"
And even
"Kill yourself!“
But sometimes i get things like
"I love you”
“It’s ok”
"I just want to help you"
Any thoughts on this?
Anyone get nice ones in their proverbial community?


In my recent relapse they were nice and said things like I love you. I still don’t do what they say. It could be a trick to throw me off or maybe they don’t want you to go all the way to the extreme of suicide. Who can say? I would love any insight beyond just saying they are not real.


It could be spirit guides expressing their concern and affection.

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I think the bad ones are the demons and the good ones are the angels. I must be in purgatory. Or delusional.

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I used to get my family and friends voices defending me from the other negative voices. Like if I was doing something right my fathers voice would say “yes”!

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yes, i rarely get bad ones but when i do i just try to change what i am thinking or focus on something else,

try and consider the good but disregard the bad

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When I went to a priest,he asked me to describe my voices,even asked if i have visual things.He said that are demons,and asked me how I manage to deal with them and be so calm.I said I fight them all day,to be normal in the afternoon.

I feel that. Do you believe him? That they’re demons?

I can sometimes change my voices from bad to good by concentrating only on positive things. It takes a lot of concentration, and I can’t always manage it.

I never thought of that. I’m gonna try it.

The trick is that you can’t get upset by what they’re saying. You have to remain calm and completely believe that you can do it.

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Sounds difficult. Amazing that you can do that. I’ll try my best. Seems like a good skill.

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That man I believe.He runs a group of young mentally troubled young people,and often travels with them to monasteries.Most of them have relief from this journeys.

They’re not demons. They’re auditory manifestations of your fears and insecurities, and you can learn to exhibit control over them.

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Yes,but how you describe benefit from those trips to sacred places.

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Placebo effect. Believing you have the power to exert control over the voices is half the battle!


You are very nice person.You don’t discriminate people with low intelligence like me.That is great intellectual quality.

Idk guys. I think those fears and insecurities can develop and evolve and turn into actual characters created by your mind. The human mind is capable of some amazing things when it’s trying to protect itself and cope. I think that’s the thing with angels and demons. They’re paradoxical. They’re real and they’re not. Maybe certain places hold certain neurological tools that helps with the whole “mind over matter” thing. Anything mystical is a paradox in this way, because anything that’s true is a paradox. In short, I agree with both of you.


First voice I heard in my life was after church ceremony,I was not by myself and heard in my head"I will help you".I trusted that voice.


Mine started as religious too. It’s been hard to accept that the voices are not the voice of God. Maybe some of them are. Idk. It’s perpetually confusing.