I mean I don’t think this illness would be all that bad with kind voices. I have one friendly voice and one evil commanding voice. The friendly voice makes this illness bearable to me so I thank G-d for that voice. It’s like having a friend in your head that gives you advice and you’re less lonely. The friendly voice says he is my guardian angel and he loves me and always tells me the truth and argues against the mean voice and we plot together how to get rid of it. I only half believe the voices could be spirits and half believe they are just hallucinations. I go back and forth between the two. Anyways, these are my thoughts!
I have one voice that’s nice,
But others that are less so.
My nice voice doesn’t claim to be an angel or anything like that,
Its not even that he’s very nice, he’s just not evil I guess.
He keeps me company and has a wicked sense of humor that keeps me pretty entertained.
Yes I have something similar
I have angels that come to me sometimes, they can be comforting and soothing. They tell me they are always watching.
But those are rare, I’ve got many more unkind voices voices
I have a couple of nice voices. They encourage me and tell me I’m doing great and to keep going. I don’t hear them anymore on these meds though. I miss the nice ones.
Depression can make a person more at prey to these “bad voices”. Staying far away from depression is the solution
I wish!! Mine are unfortunately only negative and put me down.
I used to miss the good voices, but I now figure it’s better to be on meds so that all the voices are gone. I can’t live my life when I’m engaging with creatures in my mind rather than the outside world. Though in the back of my mind I wonder if taking my meds is the best decision. I wonder if I am effectively shutting my eyes to the truth with these meds.
My post may bother you, but maybe not.
Yeah, bad voices and good voices. First though, I have three stages of my sz. The first was when I had no idea, and I believed in the delusion. The second was when I had a clue, but I couldn’t see through the delusion except via reason of deduction.
The third stages is when I understood informationology and mindology, and so I gained control of my mind, brain, access to the functions that are practical and applicable in every day life as well as moment to moment.
Right now I’m in the third stage. I was religious in the second stage, and I was very devout to honest, integrity, and things like that which I still am because this develops virtue instead of vices not for religious sci fi beliefs.
In the first stage I would race into a kind of cultural frenzy with the good voices. I thought I was being kind of religio/culto telepathy magical or something as you know that’s how these delusions go. Always though as this happens things would turn upside down, mean, and tormenting as well as torturous. I didn’t put the two together that one follows the other. I just assumed that this sci fi paradigm delusion was reality, and I had to play ball by the “reality.”
In the second stage which was the longest stage by the way (over a decade) I often realized that there was a positive allure or need to want to associate with the nice voices. They would play ball…you know, and that caught my attention. I knew I was sz on one level, but on another level I was never really sure if maybe by some chance that these were real people or beings, so I played morally anyway. Alright, but here is the double bind. The psych double bind is when someone remains loyal and morally right, but in turn it is to give up the ability to remain logically right. It’s when you can’t be right both ways but right by one way only, thus wrong one way.
Therefore in the second phase I was loyal and moral to the good voices, and the good time was momentous. Thereafter I was locked into the psychosis in a deeper state, so the meanness ensued its grip on me. You see…your brain repeats what you use your brain for, so if you are in some kind of socialitic interaction with your brain which is what is sz is, then that means you have split or become two. Thereby this “alter” stereo personality will have the last say. Usually it is harsh if my life was going badly, but if my life was going well, it was not harsh. Weird Catch 22.
Now in the third phase I’m awake. I know what I am. I know what I’m doing. I know more than what the normies know about their minds and mine. I’m not a lazy growth that does nothing but dazzle my endocrine signals with entertainment dizzles. I work hard to know things and for many years now.
Here’s the clincher:
My voices become assistive and obedient in practical ways. I mean if I think I need my mind to comprehend or facilitate some task in a specific way or refrain from a specific way, it is doing that per spec on command. Also it becomes commending and creatively so.
So now life is going well with people and my practices and lifestyle, so naturally the voices that would be torturing when life was low are giving me creative, applicable, insightful intuition. They surround me even with joy and information about what is going on socially around me or the perfect thing to say.
If I wrote to you this last little bit of information without all of the information above it, you would think that this is normal, and it is irrelevant. Normies would say, “Okay, that’s kind of how I think, and so what?”
As long as you never forget that voices are information and the mind is information, and you never forget what information is, then you can’t be set back by this notion that voices are bad or good because…
…voices are not other people or beings. They are thoughts.
The problem with being sz is that the voices are anthropomorphized meaning that they have been made into something like we think of when we think of someone that lives around us such as a parent, sibling, teacher, bully, criminal, and with that kind of essence we go further often to mix that sort of thing with the assumption that it’s aliens, deities, demons, ghosts, technologies, alter dimension stuff…yada yada yada.
So it’s all about what you think that your voices are, and I can promise you that if you are religious, cultish, and even mainstream societyish, you can’t see the voices as anything other than being “someone” else of some kind, shape, or form. They will always play some anthropomorphic role in a tribic way to you, and you well always be obligated to play some kind of role similarly with it/them.
You have to realize it’s your mind first, and that’s the only way that you can experience it. Then you have to understand what information is as a phenomenon, and know that is what your mind is composed of 100% through and through.
Now the voices are just any other kind of thought. It’s just information signals bubbling up being rendered by your brain organ, and they have no social role, thus there is none of this moral business of good or bad, nice or mean, right or wrong with them. It’s just true or false: true, it is information, true, all information is in subject + predicate form, and true I and it are the same emanating from the brain i.e. information.
Aaaaand finally…
The problem I find with the community as a whole is that in regard to what they can or can’t do such as the business of they either can or they can’t organize their mind in a systemic fashion…it’s that they are playing societal character roles. This lends itself to the way that we’re evolved tribicaly, so that we see everything in a societal fashion. This goes back to when everyone saw everything in that ancient, pre-history time when the whole world and the self was all a big religio, culto contraption imagined different by the different tribes/cults and differently from era to era. One big problem was they killed off anyone that would see out of this superstitious paradigm, so all that could exist in the gene pool are people that could easily be in this religio, culto mental illness of delusions. Otherwise they thought that you’d disturb the deities or demons, ancestor ghosts, fairies and trolls, or whatever they were believing, and that would doom them all. Rather than that happen, they would just kill anyone that might cause that to happen.
Did you ever notice how strict society is about stigmas for some of the stupidest things? Yeah, that’s because we are evolved in this ancient religio/culto scenario I just pointed out.
How does that affect you?
Well, role are you going to play, and how does that differ from the role you want to play? In other words how do you want to be seen? Who do you want to be seen as in society? Even when you are all alone, you want to be seen as a certain kind of person. That is the socialitic instinct signals orchestrating mentally in regard to that tribic role playing model we’re all born with in the brain.
The problem is that you have a mental issue, and as we all know, mental anything is always informationous. But do you want to be a researcher, scientific thinker, or philosopher…or perhaps all three, eh.
Likely the answer is no, and therefore you’ll proverbially never exit the Platonic Cave of “The Republic” per se. Or other ways it’s been put is that you’ll never evade Ammit, never exit the Labyrinth.
I personally was taught and beckoned to be of the role of philosopher, scientist, writer, thinker from a young age. This is the nature of my family’s past and their roles in society both here and before coming to the USA. So for me this is all I wanted to do most…that and business stuff which I do too.
So for me to work tirelessly researcher, developing, experimenting, failing, and trying again tediously and tenaciously alone for years upon years non-stop is something to do with the role I were to play. I know that now, but before it was quite something else to me in my mind. That’s where I belonged, and…
…I belonged nowhere else and no way else because I was sz, lonely, and different as though I were in a world as the only European in it, so…and a chided outcast. I’m not European, but my heritage is from the Franko/Celt persuasion which is beside the point of this simile to explain how I have been perceived in the very culto/religio, tribic minded, collective societal paradigm.
The point is that being this thinker, philosopher, scientist as a way of life was a natural fit for me.
Therefore I went from the 100% total maximum state of sz, and I researched my rehabilitation into practice.
I can do that because of the role I would play in society that I was comfortable with. Others will never do that because of the role that they believe they are to play which is very adverse to anyone like me and the role that I play.
I some ways this is too deep for me to understand lol. So you have learned how to use this illness to your advantage. I’m going to start believing the voices are just my own thoughts and see what happens.
That’s sound good, but you may find that there is a problem with that. The mind works very paradigmologically. What I mean is that ever since you’ve been growing up in life the paradigm that represents how reality works including yourself, in you, and others is informationously built into that paradigmological construct which you experience as the reality replica of everything and you.
Another way to say that is that what you have known all your life is reality is what you believe reality is including you. In order to change that, you have learn another way that reality is.
Often there are people pedaling ancient sci fi tabloids from when people knew less about what they were than an elementary school kid knows today. Nevertheless though a person can learn that very well, become devout, practice it every day, and therefore transform the paradigm that is construct about what the person knows about reality and the self.
Because neurology is morphological. It morphs when information is impressed on it, and thereby the morphed neural constructs will render a new mental ability or way that reality seems to be occurring.
My point is that unless you learn what reality is and what you are mindologically, no matter what you want to feel about your voices being just thoughts…they’ll still mean a kind of culto, religio, sociolitic experience to you, thus it will still mess with your feelings and behaviors.
Why? Because in order to change your paradigm or what you know reality is, you have to learn a completely new order of reality, or the brain will continue to produce the mind event that is your reality right now like always. As it produces this paradigm for you every moment of every day, that informationous experience, false memories, and thought flow will impress more information on the neurology, so the neural constructs never change patterns, and therefore they never produce a new paradigm.
To make the paradigm like I’m making you have to learn that reality is something new to you, and you gotta get it right. I suggest that you start off with the Pythagoras’s Trivium and Quadrivium research. It’s a very simple start. Another good place is to start is to figure out what Socrates was talking about in regards to logic and the mind. If you feel as though your mind were a mental prison, you’re right. They knew to, and so do I. How to transition from locked up so to speak to using your illusions is a method. If you don’t want to act the part of thinker, learner, researcher, philosopher, scientist…your brain will not phenomenally transition.
We change our organs with diet. We change our muscles with exercise. We change our brains with information. Keep that in mind if that is anything you ever want.
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