Who here likes fashion and shopping?

Just went on a shopping spree online. Bought Gray cigarette pants, glittery mary janes, a white blouse with bows, and a printed mini dress. Spent way too much oh no :joy:

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I don’t like to waste money.
I like to be very efficient with my spending.

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That’s a good trait @Chess24. Wish I could be more frugal.

It’s OK @see121 .
The most important thing is being alive.
Gradually you will learn to make adjustments and eventually you will be proud of yourself.


With all the money I spend on Amazon I really should buy some stock in the company.


There was a saying among old folk in my country that Jewish people are very good money managers, only Armenians can rival them.
I think that was just stereotype thinking… Anyway I personally know one Armenian guy and he’s careful with money too :smile:

I love to shop for clothes at inexpensive places, and the secondhand shops and charity shops and flea markets. But limit myself. Each time i get something new I give something else away. I like having only a small wardrobe which I wear regularly.

I hate fashion. I wear same old fashioned clothes all the time. shorts and hoodies.

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Today will be my first try at online grocery shopping. I’m hoping it will all go smoothly. Our store has a 1 hour delivery time!

I think I have my own style (others don’t think so) lol

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I’m not so fancy either but I still enjoy buying clothes from time to time.

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I don’t mind shopping but have no fashion sense,and am not a good clothes shopper.

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