Do you like fashion?

I get happy when i buy some new clothes and plus if they are a bit fashionable. :upside_down_face:


I dont really like spending money on expensive clothes or anything but i do like to think i have my own personal style to how i dress. I almost always wear a hoodie and sweatpants lol wear a big cross sometimes and often wear big boots


I like going to the thrift store and buying baggy jeans and stripey polo shirts for way cheap.
But I like expensive watches.
I love my aviators as well.
And my cabby hat.

But I always thought buying clothes from stores like Macyā€™s was ridiculous
I have like 80 nice polo shirts in my closet entirely from thrift stores.

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i do like the fashion
i like to watch fashion channels on tv
i become happy when i buy new clothes
i wish if money dont matter to me to buy many things including clothes ā€¦:))))

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Iā€™m not into it, but Iā€™m not against it. I generally donā€™t like owning anything that isnā€™t directly useful with the exception of artwork that I connect to. Much of my clothing is from Goodwill and wearing jeans is formal to me. Iā€™m a tee and sweats kinda guy. I do spend good money on my shoes, but I walk a lot and you donā€™t want to do that in cheapie shoes.


I like to look good but i try to do it in a thrifty way.

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My goal is to be as comfortable as possible.

I wear my harem pants and t shirt and ugg boots just about daily.

My favourite style clothes and home is gothic and the some hippie n then punk.
I also like ā€œnormalā€ pretty dresses etc sometimes n sexy can be fun .
I have latex pants but they donā€™t fit me anymore because I put on weight.

Fashion can sometimes seem stupid when people act all pretentious and stuck up itā€™s unattractive.

I bought some new harem pants because my favourite pair have a big whole in them and the other one is too small and the other one also has holes that canā€™t be fixed.

Fashion can be bad for the environment and cruel to animals.

I strive to be as cruelty free as possible.


I like fashion sometimes. But really, truth be known, I prefer comfort to fashion. But, I like looking good for my best friend.


Iā€™m very frugal these days and only buy cheap clothes.

However, pre-sz I was in a corporation where people wore expensive clothes. So, I still have clothes from those days. Iā€™m not proud of it but in those days I used to buy 1000ā‚¬ jackets and suits, 500ā‚¬ shirts from Hermes and things like that.

I prefer the cheap life. It makes more sense to me now.


I am the same :smiley:
Me too i am happy, when i get new clothes. Lately, its my mom who buys me the most, we have the same taste almostā€¦ She is good on knowing how to hide my flaws too lol, so i trust her.
I have a full wardrobe now tbh, i can mix and play with my clothes. Unfortunately, i dont go outside so much or i am just covered with jackets outside, but if i had wanted it, i have what to wear. But i still take new clothes lol, one of my last pleasures in life heh :slight_smile:
But i also dont follow the fashion religiously, i am overweight etc. Me too i need some comfort still and just clothes who look good on me. But i follow the fashion magazines and fashion on the net too, just for the pleasure of the eye and to keep in touch with whats going on there in the streets heh.

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Iā€™m a huge fan of 70ā€™s fashion. It doesnā€™t suit me now that I am fat though.

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Iā€™m not that interested in fashion, but I have gotten some really nice clothes on sale at the Manna Center. If I need to dress up I can.

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I donā€™t really follow fashion, I have my own unique style in clothingā€¦ I am a seamstress/fashion designer by profession. Clothing is a important way for me to express myself. Right now Iā€™m feeling new shoes for the summer :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t like fashion.
Who decides whatā€™s fashionable and
whatā€™s not?

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