Which would you choose?

If you had to choose between having a cat or dog which would you choose?

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We have chosen. We chose a dog. My mom is allergic to cats but I would rather have a dog anyway.

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Dog, definitely…dogs have family, cats have staff.

A cat, although I like dogs too but I prefer cats.

My absolute fav though is a budgie :blush:

Cats are the true master race. I used to be employed in the service of a cat. I am honoured to have held this position in my lifetime.

I always lived in apartments. As such I believe it’s much easier to hold a cat there rather than a dog. Still, I never liked dogs. I tend to find them gross. Nowdays I don’t even want a pet anyway. Except my sourdough starter.

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Cat, definitely.
They’re smaller, not as needy, not as loud, not as smelly.
They are cute and lively, and it feels so rewarding to earn the trust of a cat.
They make great companions if you give them a reason.


They can be, depending on the breed. One time I petted a Saint Bernard, and when I got my hand back it was covered with dog slobber. I never cared for that breed after that.

I’ve got three cats, and we all get along famously.


I used to have cats, but I’m severely allergic and started getting welts on my skin every time I touched them. So now I have a sweet little lap dog. He’s the best doggie ever

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Cat. No hestitation. I am a cat person although I’ve had dogs too.


I have a cat, but I may be getting a dog in the future. I love both a lot, I’m an animal person.




Cat. love cats. beautiful creatures.


Dogs. 。°。°。°。°。°

I used to be a cat person but I now want to get a dog.

I’m a dog owner and I prefer dogs to cats. Though I’d like to have a cat to keep the rodent population in my house under control.

I’m a cat person too. I like dogs, but they require much more care.
I do love my cat though.


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