Which is your favourite SSRI (antidepressant)?

  • Fluoxetine
  • Escitalopram
  • Citalopram
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Paroxetine
  • Sertraline

0 voters

Prozac is pretty good, so is zoloft

None. They all make me hallucinate

I have only ever tried Sertraline.

So far so good but they increased it a couple of days ago

Prozac made me ocd. Although I was a teenager when I took it

I love Cymbalta as well. It’s done so much good for my friend.

I do poorly and tried a few. I settled on effexor. It works. I wouldn’t mind trying wellbutrin but never could out here in Oz because the chem company got it approved as a give up smoking aid. Dumb> cost me too much so effexor is it. It’s kinda an ssri and another.

Prozac in very low doses is good for me although it interacts with my Risperdal.

My wife takes Escitalopram and it helps her a lot.