I know I have …have you lost anyone due to it?
Yeah I lost my friendships basically. I talked too much trying to pique their interest to talk… I feel naked and afraid a lot because of that.
i lost all friends but they wern’t my friends jack asses
People are 'Winner Take All" with the social part of socio-economics just like they are with the economics part alone. As someone once said “The more help you need; the less you get” and the “less help you need, the more you get”.
I made a mistake today and it’s fresh, so I maybe need this site today.
i think status can bring us far 777
By friends yes but not family. Though I made 3 new friends after my sz who know that I am schizo. They’re chill with it. We video chat and play video games everyday.
imo sz/sza can b bad news across the board
yeah man 15151515
I was shunned until my schizophrenia was cured by abilify. Now they have other reasons for not liking me.
It’s cool you will admit that but are you sure the med’s side effects didn’t trip you up with them?
At first I lost some friends. And I’m glad I did cause they were obviously worth loosing.
Others avoid me as though I have an infectious disease. I’m sorta glad covid rolled around, I feel normal not having to see friends/family.
Yes, but it was a good thing, the friends I miss, but the family I had ended up being a huge negative bad thing, didn’t realize it til they were gone yay hindsight.
I’ve lost friends because of it. I’m mostly shunned by society because I think dumb liars cause it, and they like persecuting people.
I lost the people I thought were friends.
Sure does weed out the bad eggs.
Have not managed to replace them with more accepting people.
Just have this forum and one other I chat to people on, other than that it’s health professionals and my parents
I pushed everyone away IRL because I feel I am a burden in the state I’m in. And I’m afraid of the consequences of the soxial anxiety ie psychosis seeing as I’m on a low dose of antipsychotic.
This rings true to me, the winner take all thing. If you’re down then the friends in your life are out, and if you’re doing well, then they flock to you, to raise them up. People are awfully selfish and throw you in the ditch if you become baggage.
I don’t see any standout character in my own family that rises above this quality of human nature.
I feel slighted most by the people I devoted myself to the most. My family.
I sacrificed so much of my heart and soul to these people caring about their worries, and struggling to lighten the load of my mother’s burden and I feel like she’s emotionally cut me off. I’m another disappointment in her life that she’d rather not see.
My dad is my only friend. I do talk to my maternal aunt sometimes but I have to contact her. Nobody in my mother’s family contacts me.
My family is just tired of me after my psychotic outbreak
My dads fiancé’s family all knows I have schizophrenia and won’t speak to me. It’s such an awkward thing.