Where you are

Made this song today. The instrumental is by a band called pine Grove.

@zwolfgang @Zoe @eternalaether @Schztuna @labratmat


Well done :+1:

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Thanks dude! Appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Wait a minute. You said that the instrumentals are by some other band. Does that mean that you did the vocals? :exploding_head:

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Lool yes sir! Thanks so much man… I heard the instrumental on a random meme lol I didn’t know who the original artist was but YouTube informed me that it was that band. I just really liked the instrumental and the lyrics came to me. Thanks for listening dude it means a lot!

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Duuuude. I regret never giving your tunes a go. Sounds friken awesome. I would fully listen to that regularly. You gotta make some instrumentals in the same kind so you can claim it fully as your own creation. Dude so good. Love it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks so much! Actually means so much fr. Sometimes I feel like quitting music cause no one really listens to my music so I appreciate that so much. Makes it worth it. I might just do that… Try recreating a similar instrumental. That’s what I was planning on doing in the beginning lol just stealing the chords kinda but laziness got the best of me haha also my back is injured so I can’t sit for long. Thanks again for listening :pray:

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You almost sound like green day ! September ends.

If you build your confidence, it would be amazing !

I think you got the skills of an artist. Kudos to you !!!

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Hey thanks so much dude! Appreciate it :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I like the chorus.

The visuals are awesome too.

Clean mix :sparkles:

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thanks so much dude! appreciate it. i really didnt spend much time on this track. would have liked to but cant sit for long due to back injury so just made it in like 3 hours and put it out. Thanks for listening dude!

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Have you had a scan for your lower back? Ultrasound maybe?

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Awesome work dude! :+1: :dizzy:

I think your voice really meshes well with the instrumentals, and the vocals sound really great on the track :+1: :notes:

…And now I got the chorus stuck in my head :+1: :sweat_smile:

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Loooool thanks so much tuna!! :smile: Thanks for listening, really I appreciate it so much :slightly_smiling_face:

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No I haven’t they didn’t do it when I went to the ER. Just gave me pain meds and told me to rest it

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