Where to find some cool pals?

Need friends. I have a lot from back in the day. But they live a fair ways away. And weve all taken different paths. Some are addicts, some are married with kids etc. Am im just chillin, drifting. Kinda in the middle of those two types of lifestyles haha. I have a long term partner and occasionally (very rarely actually) dabble. No idea how to find friends (wether female or male i dont mind) as a 30 yr old dude. I feel its super important to find some. Bit lonely. My gf and i are like co-isolating. As we both have mental health issues and anxiety etc.
Suggestions? Or anyone feelin lonely or?


I get lonely.

My only IRL friends are my bro and his friends.

I see them a few times each month.

I don’t know man, just get out there, go to pubs, bars, clubs and other events and just shoot your shot.

Going back to school is a great way to make friends.

Volunteering somewhere.

Hope this helps.


It does help. Thanks dna. :smiling_face:
Yeah might go to the pub around the corner on payday and see if their are any cool peeps about.
Yeah studying is probably the ultimate way to make friends. Not sure if im keen for that though. Maybe there are some free short courses i could go to.
Must feel sucky sometimes having friends through your brother. Like your the second choice or something?
Thanks for your comment. Gave me some ideas!


I’ve made a friend in my building. I think things like time and us having similar diagnoses worked in my favor. What I mean is we just became friends over time from seeing each other in the building a lot and starting with small talk.

I have other friends I made pre-sz and we just talk on Facebook. They all live in other areas of the U.S.

Maybe look into school or local gaming communities. We have these things called “game rooms” in my city and they have tons of table top games. You can go into them and pick a game or join other groups.


You find things to do that interest you and in the process meet other people with the same/similar interests who are also looking for friends


There’s a place called the men’s shed here in aust. You pay a small fee and you can do activities with other people… see if any are around you!


Thats awesome. Ive lived in this place for a while now and havent made any decent new mates.
But i did just organise today to catch a bus down south and stay with an old mate for a day or two. Super keen!


Yeah i looked at that a while ago. Mostly old-ladies-only kinda groups when i checked it out. Not many use that in my town it seems. But thanks! Wish it was used more around here!


I went to the mens shed a few times years ago. Was purely like 70 year old dudes and above. Was kinda cool. But not what im after now really.


By me, there’s a hiking group, a book club, an outdoors activities club, traveling group, etc. all kinds of things guys can enjoy. Maybe check again in case there are more activities near you now


Hmm I haven’t been yet, but it was suggested to me… thanks for the heads up probs not what I’m after as well!


I joined a local paddle boarding group this summer to meet people to go on lake and river outings with. I’ve made about seven new friends this summer. Find people who share your interests and go have adventures with them.


I tried it and there always a meeting and no one showed up :pensive::confused:


I hear you. The last time I felt that I wasn’t truly isolated was three decades ago when I lived in a college town and had several roommates. It was a bit annoying at the time to always have so many people around but there was always something to do if you were inclined to. Walking distance to everything.

Unfortunately I do not have a lot of recommendations. The only way I could be more isolated currently is if I lived in a cave. I am about an hour from legitimately anything and unless one goes to church or hunts or belongs to the Lion’s Club, you’re SOL. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m sorry to hear that. My friends who go always have good times when they go


@coffeehead sounds like you live in a very american place haha.
Sorry your feeling the same. Sucks ay.


@shutterbug a paddle board group could be cool. Would be very wholesome. The kind of groups im used to are mainly like alcoholic drug addicted lunatics that do shady s**t all the time. I feel that its hard to be amongst normalish people after being so removed from mainstream society most of my life. It sucks balls that I’m more comfortable around shifty people. Really did a number on me being in those types of crews as a youth. But i guess better time than never. The longer i continue to isolate the harder it’ll be eventually. To be around cool normal people.

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@jukebox yeah i often want to. Theres a really good one nearby. The most ethnically and life background diverse church ive ever heard of haha. Half the people that go are ex addicts or have had mental health issues. Feel right at home there. The church actually runs a couple rehabs and feeds the needy in my town among other things. The most legit church ive ever known! I have mad respect for Christianity. Ive read a lot of theology and most of the bible. Cs lewis, timothy keller, j.i packer etc. But still, I’m not sure about going back right now…


@Ozzyskits the only way to get rid of bad habits is to replace them with good habits. I’m sure you must have some hobbies. In my case I am in groups for bushcraft cooking, archery, amateur (Net radio) broadcasting, hiking, paddle boarding, and photography. I’ve made some good friends in them.


Yeah true. Those are some good ones. Hiking would be nice. I wanna get more fit too. Im not super big but would ideally like to lose another 10 kgs or so. Hiking would def help with that. Thanks.