When I was delusional I had you know divergent stories of where they came from etc.
Lately I’ve um,
Been having a little theory of my own that both visual and auditory halluicenations
Are a distortion of sight and sound,
Visual like a blend of the normal colors/sights we see.
Auditory basically having like a misque of sound from the normal sound going on around us. Simple thought.
I have internal voices all the while,
And I’m coming to a conclusion yes they are produced/related to mind, but I’m thinking that they are more of a illusion.
Anyways, I’m interested to hear where you think your voices come from,
No wrong answer, just interested to see the different ways people calculate the cause of such.
i always knew internal stuff was just a product of my mental illness, didnt stop them from being hugely bothersome though as they were so negative. the little external stuff i had, i always thought it was other people so i would either get confused by thinking a family member was calling me or scared thinking someone had broken into my house and was coming to kill me
Were you symptomatic at the time? Like were you really ill? Reason I ask is I think I get these strange ideas from energy drinks or when I’m sick. Thanks.
I dont think halluc are from another world or from spirits. I think God made a world that doesnt leak.
Mmm…but i think halluc come from minds. Thoughts that float around that nobody wants to admit they are theirs. Maybe sz patients pic them up.
I had voice once…i was in a cowded bus and there were alot of thoughts floating around. And from the driver came a package of thought/mind…its sounded like someone is screaming with an eco of hell.
But i have had alot of visual halluc. Once from a scary movie. In a dark hallway. I guess i was stressed and thats why i started picing up thought packages.
I don’t hear voices. But I believe they just come from the subconscious. I’m glad I don’t hear voices as I’m just about keeping my head above water as it is. Voices would probably push me under.
I think there from a split mind that results in other personalities or consciousnesses being created with varying degrees of sophication. How this accomplished by 1 brain I do not know, but I think it shows that there’s a lot more going on under the surface than people know about.
I can see my own thoughts in theirs and their thoughts in mine. We’re all connected so it’s not telepathy or other beings in my mind
I think they are people/beings from other dimensions and parallel universes which are around us all the time but we have the ability to see/hear things from these dimensions. We are just attuned differently to other people which makes living in the 3D world of Earth quite difficult at times and we get labelled ‘mentally ill’.
Like @everhopeful I rarely experience voices but when I did they were in the air conditioning. It felt like other minds in other rooms but maybe it is like people speaking in dreams (they come from inside of our own minds).