Where do you guys think voices (auditory hallucinations) come from

I think they come from the next plane of existence.

Wow!! I’ve been thinking that a lot lately. Thought it was just me

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I think they come from demons. The devil wants to trick us and lets us hear his demons to keep us away from God.

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@LilyoftheValley you are safe from demons. Those are just angels with a sense of humor.

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Thanks @SunLion. I’m still afraid but it feels good to hear that.

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Yeah pianogal I feel ya can relate
I went through a phase of hearing the devil and having like a extreme fear of burning in hell for like 2 years.

But I got insight and like a rocket of knowing the unreality of it all ,

Kind of like blasted out of the thinking and it’s not even a worry to me anymore.

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I rarely hear voices.
They come from our sick minds.

Fromwithin my mind

There are textbooks written about this. Frontal lobe causes blunting. Parietal lobe causes auditory hallucinations. Temporal lobe causes disturbed emotions. Occipital lobe causes visual hallucinations.

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