Where are some local support groups

I live in Minnesota and am having trouble finding support groups for schizophrenia any minnesotans here

@notmoses might be able to help when he comes online.

Support groups are hard to find even in the largest of cities - thats why many people turn to these forums.

NAMI groups frequently have support groups for either consumers and / or family members. Give them a call - and if they don’t have them, they should be able to tell you whats available close to you:

I already attend one and I’m the only one with schizophrenia so it’s hard for people to relate

SzAdmin answered for me. Also, however:

) Look for mental illness clubhouses in your area (which can be hugely helpful… but may also pose risks). Dig through the many articles at https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=mental%20illness%20clubhouse%20model to locate and investigate them.


Look up Recovery International on the Internet. (recoveryinternational.org)`

[quote=“czagaros, post:1, topic:41404, full:true”]
I live in Minnesota and am having trouble finding support groups for schizophrenia any minnesotans he http//;www.recoveryinternational.org