When will haloperidol depot be out of my body?

So I was injecting haloperidol depot at various intervals, some weekly, 2 weeks, 3 weeeks and 4, weeks. The last time i was injected was almost 4 weeks ago, I read it that haloperidol depot half life is 3 weeks, but had a really low blood level drop later on. My question is when im not gonna have haloperidol depot in my system?

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I guess it will take half a year befor that the Haldol is totally out of your bloodstream.

Are you quitting Haldol against medical advice?

No, I am making a switch with my pdoc


Found this, so basically I wont feel haloperidol effects after another 2 months

10% of your initial depot is about 3 halflifes.
I think with depot the halflife isn’t actually 3 weeks but much shorter, but I don’t have a resource.

Damn guys, probably gonna feel haloperidol in me for a long time…

Did you get a 100 mg shot?
You already made one month! 2 months to go.
I read somewhere that the haloperidol molecules block certain D2 receptors for up to a few months sometimes, I don’t know how true that is.

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It varied a lot, long time ago i was 100mg monthly, i got 50mg injection a month ago only

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I hope it works well for you :slight_smile: