If a tablet form half life can reach 24 days of half life and it takes 5 half lives to be eliminated, then if an injection half life is 3 weeks then after a chronic injections haloperidol deconoate half life can be 5 years, this means the drug can fully leaves after only 25 years
Where did you see that?
If a tablet half life can be 21~ days, then deconoate half life is 3 weeks but then after a chronic administration can become 63 weeks
I think my blood was at least 1/3 Haldol at one point at as they were nuking my symptoms from orbit. I’m doing just fine now and have been for decades.
Were you on haloperidol injection? (Long acting)
For about a year because I wouldn’t stop messing with my meds at first.
When did you feel that haloperidol fully leave after stopping? Did you have withdrawals?
Like two weeks worst case and no, I felt freakin’ wonderful. No withdrawal. They did taper me down, but I forget how long it took.
I never had problems with getting lowered in Haldol like injections that was quite easy.
But getting of the drug Geodon(Ziprasidone) wss pure HELL. That took me 4 month’s before the side effects were mostly gone.
They say getting totally free of a drug includiing akumelation in the fat tissues.
Takes 1 month per year used
That means(20y-4m)= 16 months left before Geodon is totally out of my system.
I had the akathasia for almost a month after stopping Geodon. Annoying.
Same thing happened to me with geodon. Just about a month of akathasia.
Ugh, the Geodon akathisia was insane! My mind was so exhausted and needing sleep but my legs wouldn’t stop moving. It felt like there were snakes in my legs!
I am coming off abilify depot currently. Its been about two weeks or so since i would have had my last injection. So i havent been jabbed for about six weeks. I switched to rexulti oral form. No withdrawal or weird symtoms so far from no abilify. I hated getting injections so im happier with my meds now. Hopefully some of the side effects i was getting from the abilify go away now.