Hi everyone!
I’m not sure where to draw the line with what is normal and what is indicative of being in an episode. When I see faces in things, they can be very emotive and there will be a lot of them looking at me like a bunch of grapes. Its not something I stare at and eventually see, it stands out right away when I see them. I get the same thing with words superimposed on the floor or other surface. Then there are these flashes of visions of faces or peopIe I get and I don’t even need my eyes closed to see them, its like they override my visual cortex.
I’ve been off my antipsychotic for some weeks now but I don’t feel that different. That’s not to say I don’t feel like I’m in a nightmare right now but I’m pretty confident in my sanity right now. I still am terrified of being harrassed or attacked in the near future living in this town. My parents keep telling me that no one is watching or out to get me here but it’s very stressful regardless.
I have risperidone as a PRN if I really need it and it does work pretty well. I guess this turned into something else writing this but I don’t know where else to go for this kind of thing. I have a hard enough time talking to my therapist about this stuff.