When medicaation fails, what can you do

clozapine has failed me, now what??

That is really rough, I’m not sure what to tell you. Maybe try two antipsychotics at the same time? I know that is sometimes used in severe cases…I don’t know if you’ve tried first gen meds either…best of luck to you :sunny:


I had no luck on clozapine as well. Have you tried multiple APs? I thought all meds did nothing but I eventually got a measure of relief on seroquel and depixol (am on other psych meds which help as well).

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Hey you replied just what I was writing! Will have to becquicker on the draw :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


im currently on 900mg of clozapine and 300mg of Seroquel…do you think I should mix it up a bit

Speak to your pdoc. I have seen amisulpride being used with clozapine often.

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