When I went off the Deep End

Just wondering if anyone else deals with this? Last year I went very delusional and psychotic - ended up in hospital for three months on certificate. Basically thought everyone in North America was going to die of Ebola and a lot of other stuff. I went around warning a lot of people and said some pretty strange stuff. Sad thing is none of these friends even tried to warn me that I was on the edge or at all suggest to me that I might be unwell. I kinda wonder if they care much about me now. Anyone have a similar experience?

Yes. It sounds like we were in the hospital the same time during the Ebola scare.

When I feel people in my room or standing behind my back I keep it to myself. I internalize everything unless it’s here on this site or with a professional, but in the moment I keep it to myself for some unknown reason. So I can’t relate, but I think if I were doing that my friends would say something but I can’t say for sure and that doesn’t mean your friends don’t care about you. Maybe they didn’t know the scope of the severity or the implications your actions had.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Franz.

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