Do any of you here now remember how paranoid you were before you found the proper medications? I was so sick I wouldn't hardly leave the house. I had no strong friendships or place to go. I didn't even know what was wrong with me or even if what I felt were the untreated symptoms of my schizo-affective disorder. I lived about ten years with very bad symptoms before I checked into the mental hospital for the first time. I still suffer with delusional thinking, but not nearly as bad as it was through the onset years.
Why i'm writing this is to tell other guests out there who are too paranoid to even post anything on this site that I still get a little paranoid from posting here and pretty much know for sure that I would be too paranoid to do so at all without the help of the medications. If you are suffering ,get help. If you can handle it without medications well then more power to ya, and peace as well.
Thanks for saying this.
I still keep hoping that my son will get on here someday.
Maybe he is just reading posts on here-hope he sees this!