When I went to jail in September 2015 they took all of my clothes, my slippers and my glasses and gave me a turtle suit. I asked for a Bible and they said no. They put me in isolation and didn’t tell me why and they didn’t give me any books or shoes or hygiene items. I only got food and milk. Luckily I was only there for four days and somehow I was able to sleep the whole time then they took me to the hospital then they took me to the psych ward. I just think it’s messed up that they did that to me.
Yeah, thats some messed up crap. Unfortunately, law enforcement is full of authoritarian tyrants. I’ve heard of way worse, too, than that to mentally ill people.
I don’t understand why law enforcement has that power. Sorry that happened
When I went to jail I got 2 tattoos
@Cloudd3ad, pics or it didn’t happen.
When I went to jail they ignored me when I told them I took daily meds that I had to have and didn’t give many any of them for a week then I got out.
Sorry about that @Turtle43. They should treat people better.
Yeah jails think they are above the law and are usually dirtier than the people they pick up.
Do you know that jails can make like 75k a person per visit
Dirty af15151515
That’s insane right.
The first time I went to jail I spent 18 months in there. The second time I spent nearly 8 months. The first time I managed to become part of the volunteer worker staff, after that it wasn’t so bad. The second time I got in trouble with some gangsters, it was not a good experience at all.
During the covid lockdown a lot of things were different than usual in jail. Honestly, I think I’d prefer to be in isolation with a few books to read than being in danger.
I think being incarcerated for a prolonged amount of time changes brain chemistry. It has taken me awhile to adapt to being out of custody. It’s almost like post traumatic stress disorder.
Holy cow, dude! Missed you!
Actually, I think it’s exactly post traumatic stress disorder. I’m so sorry you went through that.
Why did they give you a turtle outfit?! I’ve never heard of such a thing!
I went to jail twice last year.
Once for 3 weeks
A week later for 2 weeks.
Being in jail sucks.
They did all this to me except for they gave me my clothes and shoes back when I was released.
They didn’t give you all your stuff back when you were released?
Sorry you had to go thru this I know jail can really be bad
One time I missed my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and new year…
I was locked up with some idiot who had 52 felonies of home invasion with a shot gun to support his weed habit…
If any one has a weed habit just get a part time job
I told him he would never eat a steak again
Or have a merry Christmas
Or have a birthday beer
Or drive a car
Or have sex
Or have relationship
He was only like 20 years old and threw his life away
I’ve been kept in jail twice for two months and once for one month, and in all three times I never got a trial. In one case they brought me into a courtroom, and they stood me in front of a judge, but not a single word was uttered by either one of us. That’s not a trial. When they kept me in jail in one place they kept me in semi-isolation both times I was there. Occasionally they would put another man in the cell with me. One time I got in a fight with one of the guys who they put in my cell. I beat him, but that was a long time ago, when I was much stronger.
A turtle suit is a suicide vest.