I dont feel real. It freaks me out and makes my senses feel amobic and clear.
you feel born in wrong body…?
No, just ambivalent, nothing, dust in the windish kind of thing where i feel like a ghost
Could it be that seeing your image proves that you exist?
Maybe Im scared to exist but in this vast universe i feel as though i need to prove and find the meaning behind all things including my own image
I feel differently like I exist consciously but in the mind and imagination of God so really nothing is real just dependant on my perception and how I subconsciously interpret it. I feel for you. Can you be more detailed are you feeling just detatched from your own self or just that reality doesn’t exist?
What about when you look in a mirror does that help ground you? It does me a bit.
looking in a mirror trips me out like I’m looking at a stranger
Actually I scare myself when I look into a mirror.
I see myself as a clear see through black hole of infinite battles, discoveries, and terrors and yes im a bit detatched alot and dissociated and think sometimes im not alive. I used to burn myself to see if I was living but i havent done that in years because I am more grounded now. The mirror thing does help me more but looking at actual pictures of myself frightens me
Sometimes I see the other me in my eyes but normally it helps me a bit. So you just look at yourself in photos to help? A good exercise might be painting a portrait of yourself, but Im an artist so im all about the paint. Nice to meet you eeee
I know the feeling sometimes. @HifumiZero I painted a portrait of myself and it helped me that day but I gave it to my mom
I’m really not a painter. I can do crayons and water color over it though!
I’m actually a dormant photographer. When I was a little kid I had a polaroid and I loved that thing. Made my parents spend a fortune on film. I haven’t taken many photos in the recent years. Your idea of self portraits is interesting. I could document myself doing dishes in my underwear! lol I’ll have to get a tripod.
Sounds like depersonalization. You definitely exist. This helped a lot:
I don’t relate to what I see when I look in the mirror. I don’t like looking in the mirror and used to get angry… This mask and this costume… I’m dragging this around, but am completely separate in my identity/existence trapped inside.
I understand that totally sometimes I wish I could let my “soul” escape this body to be free but not in the way of death I want to figure out how to let my soul escape it
It is very complicated topic but this video is pretty helpful so far
I think that’s amazing that you could do a self portrait. I did one for a school assignment once, but it was my reflection in a magnified mirror so my face was distorted. I couldn’t do it otherwise.
My self portrait was VERY distorted and I had myself colorful and releasing color from my body
I can kinda relate to this. Sometime when I look in the mirror I don’t recognise myself, I can see this person looking back at me but feel like it can’t be me, I look unfamiliar to myself, it’s a disturbing feeling.
Yes. I’m looking forward to the escape. I don’t know how to do it except at the end. Maybe meditation, but I worry that I wouldn’t return…
I wish I could own this body. I admire people who can and who feel “comfortable in their own skin”. I can’t imagine.