What's your shakiest time of day?

Just curious about everyone’s patterns. When is your most volatile time of day for symptom control?

I’m usually good in the mornings, and then between 2 or 3 and 7 pm are shaky. I take Trilafon four times a day, that’s not a problem, but I’ve always had trouble during those five hours, no matter what med I’m on.

Anyone similar, whatever time?


First hour after waking up in the morning for sure.

I’m a total grump. After that I’m fine.

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Depends what I have going on. If its a mixed episode its all times of the day lol

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My mind and body gets uneasy between 1-6pm. It’s like the body is screaming for actiivity So I try to keep busy those hours, at least partially.

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Mine usually isn’t bad in the mornings cause I’m half asleep. I start getting anxious at bed time cause I lay in bed and not disturb others by making noise if I can’t sleep.

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Im like you. I feel pretty good in the morning but then late arvo i can get a lot more anxious and not want to go out and do things.

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Around 8PM I get ungodly rage. The most minor thing I will blow up and be pretty mean. The worst part is I only do it to my family because that wouldn’t fly with anyone else. Still have no idea why I am like that.

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Right after waking up. I guess it’s because at night I go 11, 12 hours without a cigarette.

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Whenever I have to work


Im similar in that 11am-6pm is a rough time. Usually a lot of anxiety and potential to get paranoid during this time.

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as far as symptoms? right as I wake up and go to bed.

I relax and something gets set off I think. I dunno but its eerie.

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Probs late-afternoon, early evening.

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Very interesting. Thanks for all the replies! :smiley:

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I shake when I don’t drink coffee

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I am still sick all day long… Foggy in the morning, with no motivation at all… Ive spent probably too many years in sedentary… but well, this is ok…
My worst time starts to be around 5pm till 9 pm, something like that. I crash around that time, often, unable to move and only sit on the couch and smoke for some few hours… Yeap, for me this is in the evening too…
I get shaky around my ocd for the rest… I have even bad physical sensations in my body, it feels like all my energy gets into my feet, my temperature even lowers then, i somatize as hell… Lets fight though, we can get better :slight_smile:
yeah, its interesting though, many of us here get worse in the evening, i wonder if its cause we mainly get tired? idk…

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The first half hour in the morning is bad, the rest of the day is good, but my depressive symptoms comes back during the evening.

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For me I tend to get anxious right about before bed. My mind sometimes races like night is the time to suddenly solve all my problems.

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