Mine is from 5pm to 8pm. There’s always some stress getting supper on the table and it takes awhile for my nerves to relax afterward. There’s also stress getting the granddaughter to get the homework done.
4 when I drive home from work. Hour ride home from hell. Meaning voices galore
First hour of the day upon waking up
Man, I understand that. I’m retired now, but when I worked, the most difficult part of my job was getting there and back.
Either 0800 or 2000 there abouts. It is when my Ziprasidone dose starts to wear off and I get a lot of breakthrough symptoms.
Mine is 7-9pm. Seems all the ghosts come out when I start to wind down for the night.
Coming out of a good dream can seem so rude.
When I wake up and for about 3 hours after that.
8-10pm is hard for me unless I take a good nap during the day or else slept really well the previous night.
During the night when I wake up I’m terrified about what might have woken me up. Mornings are also not good.
Work stresses me out, big loads and have to make sure they are secure
Seven am. Rinse repeat.
5-7 delivering food in traffic time, everyone trying to eat. It’s chaos
Waking up in the morning
Between 4 - 6 pm. is when I’m most likely to need a Klonopin. I think, as does my pdoc, that it’s because my Haldol levels are falling waiting for my next dose. we’ve tried splitting the dose, but unless I take a full 30mg at bedtime, I hallucinate. She’s not willing to raise me above 30, so this is where I live.
Agreed. A monster can fixes it quickly though.
Mine is from about 8 pm to 11 pm because those are the hours when I am trying to practice piano and then do yoga.
I thought you loved to play the piano.
Afternoon cause I just generally feel really tired as I get up early. Unless my mum is doing a night shift then it’s evening and i get very anxious.
I’m a morning person.
I’m a morning person also.
Late afternoons and evenings are worse for me.