What's the point of this forum?

There are 2 issues. Was Kraepelin a eugenicist?- yes . Do people have symptoms that get called schizophrenia? -yes . The symptoms and how they affect you aren’t going to change on finding out Kraepelin was a eugenicist…

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The point of this forum is peer support for and by people with schizophrenia to answer the original question. Do I care about the background of the guy who named the illness? Not in the least. That’s your fixation, not mine, and it does not affect my life (which I’m mostly enjoying) at all.

It is a little stifling. It would be better to have a pro-schizophrenia site that is in the best interest of the patient.

My advice-work with your pdoc to find the lowest therapeutic dose for you.

I’ve thought that before, but what is not triggering for one person might be triggering for another. We want to preserve the harmony and not get embroiled in petty feuds and bickering.


The point of this forum is to make people with similar afflictions realize they are not alone in their battle.


Conventional medication and therapy ARE in the best interest of the patient.

All drugs do, is correct an imbalance caused by a problem. They do nothing to solve the problem. Things like CBD oil treat the problem, so there is no imbalance. Treating symptoms artificially, is what produces bad side effects. Treating the problem is less likely to produce side effects.

Supplements can be more dangerous than meds and are much less effective, just placebo. I tried tons of supplements including CBD, waste of time and money. Some gave me thyroid and itchiness problems.

Amyloban has a track record of efficacy. Antihistamines have antipsychotic properties as well, studied ones. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

But some supplements can be dangerous yes.

Are you paid by supplements companies?Amyloban and supplements can’t replace meds or make you reduce meds dosage, get over it.
Antihistamines are meds and its dangerous to take them illegally as supplements without Dr supervision. You like playing with fire but don’t put others in danger like you do for yourself.

I hope this site remains the same. It helped me a lot. And it still helps me. I agree with pro medication prespective. Some people need more meds,some people need less. Some people are struggling because meds aren’t well adjusted. They need to talk with professionals. “Hating” meds won’t help.

For me this forum is a blessing.



Obviously don’t stop your meds. Sometimes meds aren’t enough though!

Antihistamines are fairly innocuous, so it’s something worth considering if a person is desperate. They’re OTC too, but still talk to a pdoc beforehand.

Amyloban 3399 is how I went from 80mg/day of Geodon down to 10mg/day. An unexpected benefit was that it helps with pain from severe nerve damage. I used to have an open-ended Vicodin scrip that I was happily able to let go of. My pdoc is now recommending it to others with close to a 50% success rate of reducing their positive symptoms.

I also use Sarcosine and have noticed it gives me a very mild cognitive boost. I’m mentally draggy when I run out of it so I try to make sure I’ve got extra packs on hand.

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Antihistamines have nasty side effects.
I only trust professionals, my psychiatrist.
I am not getting scammed again by fake meds companies.

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So if I get Amyloban I will reduce my Risperdal from 4 to 1mg?

I can’t get sarcosine in Canada and I read its bad for prostate cancer.

Its dangerous to reduce meds even if with Amyloban, what if it doesn’t work?
You took big risks that I won’t take again.

He did it with pdoc supervision.


What if he gets suicidal and homicidal?
When I am psychotic I don’t listen to my Dr or anyone. Its still very dangerous.

It was over a period of time and from what I know, slowly. @shutterbug isn’t one to play with his health.