What's the highest level math course you've completed?

I’m a failed math major. I dropped out 8 years ago. I used to love math and was obsessed with it. I still am. I hope to get back into it. Maybe I’ll get my degree someday.

The highest level math courses I’ve completed are linear algebra, abstract algebra, probability, and mathematical statistics. I dropped out of college when I took real analysis, number theory, and mathematical logic.

Right now, I’m taking calculus on coursera. I want to study physics eventually and get into general relativity and quantum mechanics.

I figure I’m building up confidence and skills by taking classes online.

In the past, I suffered from cognitive problems.

My math skills and interest is the only thing I’m proud of and accomplished. In high school, I sucked at math and hated it and I started at intermediate algebra at community college.

I think most people can succeed in math it just takes time, hard work, and determination.

Schizophrenia really ruined my life but I’m hoping to get better. I had a lot of potential. I wanted to work in finance, but I’d be happy to get any job someday. I just don’t think I’m ready right now.


Algebra I and geometry. I never did my homework in high school and never made it that far.


Prob the highest for me was while I was finishing up my psych degree I had to take Statistics for Behavioral Sciences. It wasn’t easy for me.

I hope things get easier for you.

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Geometry in high school is the highest level I’ve completed. But one thing is for sure I’m not John Nash. Don’t know how he did it with schizophrenia

Calculus 567899643

Calculus in high school. There math classes I took in college were easy mode.

College algebra, and statistics for me. I took them on base where I was stationed at.

I believe in your abilities @insidemind. Physics is considered a tough subject by a lot of people, but if you think about it it’s really not too hard. It just helps to have a good background in higher level math.

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Whatever math was part of general studies in College. I remember it having a lot of probability and statistics, we dealt with playing card / colored marble problems, as well as those infamous ‘one train leaves a station at and another leaves at and when will they collide?’ problems.

GED-level math. Like Grade 9/10 equivalency.

I was never much of a math person.


@insidemind, btw I think I forgot to tell you that I got a Feynman, physics book from the library. “Six Easy Pieces.”

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I had to take calculus to get my degree. I hate math. I only went on test days. No clue how I passed.

pre calculus in high school, college algebra at community college and finite mathematics at the big state university when I was 18. I always forget what I’ve learned in math. in my everyday life I basically just add and subtract I don’t use much math and don’t worry about it.

my mom was a math major and a high school calculus teacher. I tried to get tutoring from her in the past but I didn’t really understand what she was saying. if I wanted to learn math my best bet would be studying the textbook. when I took finite math I could never understand the professor he was eastern European and had a thick accent so I just learned from the book.

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Is there something called practical mathematics? If so, how does it work? What about Euclid - How did his math make it in to philosophy? Or did it?


I had no potential, I’m still trying to fathom how I do anything more complicated in life than tying my shoes and keeping my drooling to a minimum at dinner parties.

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Calculus and Discrete Structures. I only completed an Associate Degree. Didn’t finish a Bachelor’s Degree.

Statistics degree level, I did ever so badly. Though. Had no friends to help me with it and everyone else seemed to help each other out.

Linear algebra… I repeated the course twice before passing in my third attempt. I have a science degree in management. I love math, but struggled post calculus.

I maxed out in Junior and went downhill in senior. Failed both my maths classes in senior. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but looking back that slide in math was an indication that something was wrong. Little did I know that was later to be schizophrenia.

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At our high school the order we took math courses was: Intro to Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and then either Trig or Calculus. I took Algebra 2 and failed it twice. I owe my failures to smoking too much weed instead of studying. I’m not too proud of that.

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Calculus II in college.

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