For me, i met him when i was 18 yrs old and yes i had mental illness but never knew i had it to the extent that i did back then. My hubby, then boyfriend, was a big support for me from day dot, the beginning. He built up my confidence and i believed in myself a little. He was also impatient with me and would be critical. It was a combination of good and bad back then. There was a huge reliance on him for support and still is. Since being diagnosed with severe mh issues, he is patient and 100% supportive. He doesn’t treat me like im disabled. He loves me genuinely and says he is happy with me. I rely on him and love him too. Im so grateful im with him still after nearly 30 years, despite the ups and downs we’ve had. Sometimes i think he will realise hes made a mistake loving me, but he says he won’t.
I think 30 years of love will always remain… He will always love you I think. I’m not married so idk what it’s like but I’ve dated all normies lol
I don’t know how to explain it, but my husband tries to keep me disciplined? Idk if that’s the right word… but when I was in psychosis when we were dating he was very good at keeping me “grounded”, for the most part anyways.
He also supports me in whatever thing I want to do.
I feel like if I was with someone who also had a severe mental illness, we’d feed into each other’s delusions possibly…
I’ve never been with another person with a severe mental illness though, so…
He’s also very understanding of my illness, we will BS about it sometimes.
I wish I could get a healthy woman to marry, but in all likelihood, I don’t stand a chance. I got ill at 15 so I have never gone on a date. Part of it is that a lot people don’t like me, and another is that I’m unpredictable. I can joke and have fun one day, but if I missed a dose of medicine I can become belligerent.
But I’m very happy for you, @Ducky, I hope you have many more years together.
Hey @jukebox nice to see around i hope your alright. I didn’t mean to get so much attention by writing this, it was meant for several people to get involved in sharing experiences of relationships.
Ive been married 15 years and living together nearly 30. Not easy at the beginning but kept together thank god cos we need each other more than ever with both of us having ill health. Same as you and your wife. Hows church going?