I watch the sunrise, and sometimes the sunset, eat, sleep, take meds, and watch TV on an average day. I usually wash dishes too. I don’t do much.
Wake up feeling like a train hit me. Drink some coffee while I get ready for school.
When done with school, head home to nap unless someone wants to hang out.
If I’m home, I play minecraft and talk on Discord or watch tv shows until I get tired enough to fall asleep.
There’s also medicines and meals.
I wake up between 7-8 am, walk the dog then eat breakfast. Hang out on the computer while watching TV until lunch. Between lunch and dinner, I do more of the same ol’ TV and computer. Eat dinner, then lay down and watch more TV till I fall asleep. Pretty riveting stuff…
Get out of bed at noon. Eat lunch and take my multivitamin and Aleve for my back. Play on the computer. Watch Days of Our Lives and General Hospital on TV. Go back to bed until 6 p.m. Have dinner and go back on the computer, and spend time with my husband when he gets home from work. Back to bed at 9. I am a Haldol zombie.
Oh yeah and take my psych med cocktail at bedtime. how could i forget that?
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