What do you do on an average day?

on an average day i just go for a latte in my local coffee house lol, i usually sit outside and even in the rain sometimes (its under shelter) i have a few places i go but thats my main one, i have £10 credit on my coffee card as well bc i go there so much :slight_smile:


I usually wake up in the early morning, and then I go to day treatment at 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. Then I go to my room and get on the internet. It’s my life, and it isn’t bad.

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Pace around a little bit, smoke my e cig, browse the web. Yeah that’s it

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I get up and have coffee. turn on spotify and do what few chores I have…maybe play a little guitar once in a while. not much…too broke to do much.

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On a good day, i do the chores, write or read something, cook a lunch and spend some quality time with my son. When its really good i also go out.
On a bad day, it is just a bed, internet, tears and sugar.


I get up, eat, browse the net, text a couple of friends and If I’m feeling good I’ll go for a swim if not I just stay in and eat dins/take my meds, listen to music and go to bed early. Sometimes my friends let me accompany them during their lunch break at work so I might go out once or twice a week on average. Nothing too exciting.

Feed the chickens, slop the pigs, and feed the hay to my cows.

There’s no such thing as an average day if you have schizophrenia.


i sing and make strange noises in my garage… i talk to myself and change my accents or make up choruses for songs… i tell people that i’m working on art and playing the piano… but i actually just sing like a crazy person…


Browse the web,eat,drink,and watch tv in the evening.

Exercise, look at the internet, watch a film, play a video game, cook and clean a bit. Hang out with my dog.

I usually get up around 9 am. have breakfast and morning coffee, browse the internet or listen to the music for a warm up before 12 am. After 12 am I practice Yoga and meditation for 1 hour. Then Start reading and writing. after 4 pm I browse internet again. Between 5-7 pm, I cook dinner. After 8 pm, I take a walk in the park with my husband.

Tea, tv, vaping and Internet.