What would one do to be banned on here?

just a question out of curiosity lol, I wanna know where the boundaries lie on here. i wanna express myself as fully as possible, but I certainly don’t wanna cause trouble either.

i just worry about exposing my sense of humor to everyone and then gettin banned due to it coming across the wrong way, but I really wanna be able to mess around on here a bit. I’ve read the TOS and FAQ, but it’s still unclear to me how far I’ll be able to go. what have people been banned or terminated for in the past? I’m curious about that as well


It’s hard to get banned I think. You have to be trolling. There are rules but you probably won’t be banned for 1 rule break. Politics, religion, promoting drugs and alcohol and telling posters to stop their meds is against the rules. Some posters the mods have been pretty lienent with.

I don’t think you have much to worry about if you’re not trying to get banned practically!!


ahhh I see, thank you very much for directing me! that certainly clears things up a tad bit :slight_smile:

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alrighty then, sounds good by me haha. i just need to be able to share my memes and deadpan jokes with the world lol. anywhere else I may start drama, but given the kind of site this is I’d find it to be inappropriate on here anyway. again, certainly not actually looking to cause trouble. thank you for the reply :two_hearts:

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small meme drop, just to get started with my humor on here lol


What you’re waiting for?

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just barely got em out before you could post that, lol

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Where’s the heavy dank stuff?

These just tickle my mind


Yeah they’re not bad. Check out the meme thread. Some of those are real funny lol

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ty for guiding me, I’ll be sure to contribute there as well. here are the dankest I think I can get away with, just since you and @anon92220549 have been such great help. enjoy


The first one was scary lol


These are awesome


haha, agreed dude, that’s why it makes me laugh tho


glad to be of service

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■■■■ @freddiefreaker ya made me realize how different I feel on different meds, thanksfor the enlightenment :hugs:

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ya very welcome dear, again, glad to be of service :slight_smile::two_hearts:

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I don’t know how to make memes

But imagine this

You’re walking your dog and another dog, big scary dog comes in your path looking all bad and stuff. You are confident your dog will have your back. So you just laugh at him.

Your dog runs to the other dog, and you just stay relax knowing you’re safe. Then those ■■■■■■■ smell each other’s buttholes and start chasing you


Oh, wow you picture “your own” dog chasing you @anon92220549 , that speaks volumes