What was your first kiss like

Dang, you are lucky. Usually the guy makes the first move.

I didn’t kiss anyone until I met my ex wife at 20. That was about three months after I got out of the army. I could have died a virgin except I did have sec with a ugly prostitute. Too grossed out to finish. I’m not really a big fan of making out. I prefer a hug and a peck.

With a girl I had met earlier that day. I was in high school. She was 4 years older. It was ok but not awesome. I had been drinking too, so my tactile sensations were a bit numbed out.

I dont think i disliked it. But i was clueless. I didnt particularly like the guy, it was on holiday, i just met him that night. I thought it was about time i kissed a guy, because i was getting old (i was just 15 :roll_eyes:). I liked the kiss.

But…he asked me for a walk after, then walked me straight to his cabin, which i innocently entered. To my great surprise he started to unbutton my pants…I was shocked and said: “huh? What are you doing?” The whole thought of sex hadnt even crossed my mind, even when he took me to his cabin, which just had two beds and nothing else. Total naïvety. Guy was annoyed.

Should have saved it for a later occasion.

My first proper kiss was with the mother of my beautiful little one. Not a sloppy tounge job - but a delicate loving kiss.

I knew i loved emma - the first time i set eyes on her.

You just “know” lol.

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Haha - Aint the teenage years sweet to look back on lol!

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My first kiss wasn’t good I kissed an ugly girl but I had a good kiss with a girlfriend I had later

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My first kiss and only kiss where I participated was good. But I was drunk. He was super duper gorgeous to me.


He was a Tom Petty lookalike. But not as good looking. I shouldn’t have kissed him, because he wasn’t my type. I ended up dating his best friend.

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My mother was against me in dating a non-arab girl. My gf was blond with big green eyes and as tall as me 5ft10. All my friends said she’s tall lol I liked her.


Hmm… Yes some girls are better than others…but hey its the same same

My first kiss was at 18. I was always scared of girls till college. Turns out my first girlfriend turned lesbian. So technically my first kiss was with a lesbian. It was awkward. Neither of us had any experience. So we tried to make out and it was just ugly

If your parents are Christians they shouldn’t care who you date. The Bible is clear that God doesn’t pay attention to race or ethnicity only to the condition of a person’s heart.


Its just our culture.


Under the jungle gym in first grade. Was just a peck.

That makes sense

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@Aziz. “Just Thinking” podcast title “Racial Reconciliation”. If you have a podcast app on your phone or you can search YouTube

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It was a girl at the public school I went to. It was awkward and impulsive. She didn’t have a go at me though She was kind hearted and as bright as can be.

During my 1st hospitalisation she sent me a copy of ‘The little prince’ ., and wished me well. It was a kind act during what was a very difficult time for me.

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It was with my first girlfriend at the time. I was so bad, the girl told me i was basically deepthroating her with my tongue.

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Strange, warm, soft and exciting. Although 55 years ago it seems like yesterday. :wink:

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