What vitamins do I need to be vegetarian?

I find it harder and harder to eat meat due to just not liking most of it and was just wondering what vitamins/protein powder/other things I need to be a healthy vegetarian… I’m not saying I’m going to be vegetarian I’m just considering it

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Definitely B vitamins, especially b12. but a good B complex is really needed.


I’m vegan.

You need b12.

The most important is b12.

If you eat well that may be all you need.

Maybe spinach n broccoli for iron and beans n nuts proteins.


I’ve been vegetarian since I was born. According to my blood work I only need vit d.


look into methylated b12. It’s more expensive, but it’s supposed to be more bio-available. (well you can actually take a blood test to see if you have the MTHFR mutation- to know if taking the methylated version is worth it).

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@anon25873142 I didn’t know that about you, that’s really interesting.


Pumpkin seed powder is good for amino acids, especially tryptophan which is hard to find good amounts of in plant based. Also you would be well off supplementing taurine which one may not be able to get from plant based food. Choline is another one to supplement.

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People say vitamin B, but I always got sick from B vitamins. I had good blood nitrient levels through my whole stint as a vegetarian.

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I use b12, b complex and a multivitamin specially designed for such a thing:



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