What to do with old meds

some people flush meds down the toilet. That is not good because it’s get into i believe the water supply. Better to call your local community. where i live the police dept will take old meds. :slight_smile:

I take them back to the pharmacy and hand them in for disposal.


Yes, back to the pharmacy they go. Most pharmacies will handle taking back unused meds so they don’t pile up and become an overdose risk.


I’ve never really thought about it much. Yeah, adding them to the water supply wouldn’t be good.

sell them on to the black market !
take care


Properly stored, the meds will last long beyond their expiration date.

Most meds are made out of petroleum products, and so they come from a finite resource that I don’t want to over use.


Our house was hit by a flood in 2006, my meds stash of over 400+ pills of all kinds were wiped out in one night.
I consider it a good thing.

I am going to feed my psychiatrist so that he will feel how it feels when he raised the dose of my med with out any reason and caused lot of damages.

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I have no idea what happens to old meds in my house. There is another thing I’m going to have to learn. My sis takes care of all that. But it’s a good question.

I store mine away - I have bags and boxes full

Haha Im laughing - that is too funny, but sad for you Im sure

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I would take them to the pharmacy but they charge you!! Ridiculous. So they’re just around here chillin

I’m like @Wave . I store mine away for a rainy day. In a way I collect them! Ha.

I have a secret supply of Seroquel that is used on an as needed basis for sleep. My GP doesn’t mind if I experiment with drugs and dosages etc. He’s quite liberal. It’s not that I abuse drugs or anything - there is thought put into it.

I figure it’s worth keeping them because you never know when you’ll need them.

@andypr Yeah Im the same way, i never know when Ill need them

I just bring drugs to the police department that i won’t ever use again. Jayster’s right i believe properly stored they will last beyond expiration although they may be not as strong ask you doctor though that’s just what i’ve been told not sure on that!