What’s your thoughts on feeling better

Ever going to happen or is it just a mad dream
Think it’s possible?


it has happened before, , and it will happen again.


Define “better.”

I’m definitely feeling a lot better than I was 6 years ago.


Things can always improve.


its a blessing if you do, luckily my meds are helping :wink:


It’s not a mad dream.
Part of it is finding meds or treatment that works for you. This can sometimes take time.
For me at least, part of it was finding other ways to improve my situation. Like learning to live independently and finding more stable environments that didn’t just add to my problems.
I don’t think it’s just learning to deal with your illness. There are other factors that come into play too.
As you get older, sometimes different situations will change. New challenges and opportunities present them selves. And above all our priorities can change and evolve.
All I can say is try to do your best at all times and always take whatever steps you can to help yourself feel better.


Obviously there are no guarantees but many mental conditions including the serious one that is schizophrenia can be put into remission and allow a patient to resume normal functioning. Frequently maintenance treatment may be necessary.


It’ll happen.maybe in waves.


I think partial recovery, at the very least, is within my grasp as long as I keep following my doctors’ instructions and keeping them informed on what works for me and what doesn’t.


Of course I feel better. I ain’t been chained to a table in 35 years. That’s improvement, right? That shows progress, lol.

I get peace of mind many times during the day nowadays. I was psychotic for two years straight when I was 20. When I was fresh out of the hospital in 1982 I got a job. I stayed there four years despite daily episodes and doubting my sanity. A lot of stuff I did in those four years was hard and not much fun but now I look back on it and I realize, wow, that was really cool.

My life when I was in my twenties compared to my life now is like night and day. I’ve mellowed out, I enjoy people more. I’m 57 but in a lot of ways my life is just beginning and in a positive way. Finding out I like people was a huge hurdle for me until now. But at work some people seem to like me and I try to return it.

I can laugh at myself nowadays, another big hurdle I got over. Even better, I laugh at other people! Life ain’t no picnic every day, it can still get scary, and overwhelming but I still have my moments so I’m not complaining (maybe later though).

It’s a real concrete fact that I have improved immensely. I have serious problems that might not ever go away but I am content. I have troubling character flaws but hey, they don’t hurt anyone but me and so I can live with that.


Well it’s already happened for me, I’m at a greater point of stability than ever before in my life. I’m functioning now at a level I didn’t know would ever be possible again.


Since I’ve been doing weekly talk therapy I definitely feel better about myself as a person even though I still have symptoms I’m starting to feel like I want to really live again. :slight_smile:


After one hell of a life, I’ve finally come to a place of calm, peace and tranquility that is born of many years of trial and error with my pdoc’s and meds. I’ve also come to a place of happiness with my life construction of interests, hobbies and lifestyle.

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