Were you afraid you would never get better or feel better?

I have just started meds and I am terrified that I will never feel better? Please tell me things get better


All I can say is that I was diagnosed at age 19 and put on medication when I was 21. I don’t like being on meds but they help and they are a necessary evil. I’m 60 years old now and my symptoms are way down in intensity. I often feel peace of mind.

In 1982 when I was 21 I got out of the hospital. I moved into a group home (still taking my meds) and started feeling just a little better and became what they call “stabilized” meaning I wasn’t too psychotic and I didn’t have episodes so frequently.

Anyways, I am a lot better now at my age. I just want to say, there is no overnight cure. Medication is kind of a necessity but It won’t “cure” you. It can take months or even years to show progress in your recovery.
I can see how daunting it must be to be put on medication at an early age. You are going to face many times where you want to quit your medication. But don’t give in to temptation. The biggest cause of relapse is going off your meds. Give them a chance to work. They aren’t going to magically solve all your problems but they will help control the symptoms.


Thank you for that. May I ask which symptoms they helped control most for you?

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Meds helped me quieten the voices. Removed the paranoia and sci-fi delusions almost completely. They regulated my sleep too and lessened the anxiety although not completely.

What meds can’t do is automatically make you optimistic, active, sociable etc. Those you have to work hard to achieve.


I feel some what better. I’m worried my np will take me off of perphenazine.

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I was in a terrible state,
treatment resistant,
with huge doses
and having changed more
than 10 APs.
Now i am better than ever.
No more negatives.


I remember thinking I’d never be able to do anything other than visit the hospital every couple of months.

Then I got on the right meds for me and I haven’t been in hospital for over 7 years.


Each case of schizophrenia is different. When I was younger I just
kinda assumed my schizophrenia was just a typical case. And I kinda thought everybody had the same symptoms as me. But I could never for the life of me explain the symptoms that got me in the group home and later 8 months in the hospital. I was partially right, I think many people had racing thoughts.
And delusions are one of the main symptoms. But for two years I had all this stuff going on in my head which made me feel like Iwas going to go stark raving mad at any time. Time and the medication solved that problem. Many delusions went away. I am aware of the hospital but now I don’t have that constant fear that I am close to going to the hospital.


And I’m so happy for you @Om_Sadasiva .

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