Whether it be conspiracy, pseudoscience or supernatural. What’s the weirdest thing you believe? For me I’m using vitamins to treat something called pyrrole disorder. It’s a biochemical imbalance characterized by elevated levels of pyrrole molecules in the urine. These molecules can bind to essential nutrients, such as zinc and vitamin B6. Essentially you piss out all your zinc and b6. The science on this illness is pretty controversial and I can’t find a clear answer on whether or not it’s a real thing. So here I am treating something that might not exist. So what’s your weird thing?
After studying some religion I believe religion is the most illogical thing I believe. It was my only passionate thing for me to learn and read about. I also got a glimpse of Neil deGrasse Tysons view of science and the universe to complicate my belief.
I believe that cities were not built by Humans. From the Sky they look like a computer’s motherboard like we are living in a giant computer.
I also think there are cameras that film me in my APT…
I took about 70 vitamin supplements a day. I believe they rewired my brain and I no longer have negative and suicidal symptoms.
That’s a good one! Lol
That’s schizophrenia!
So you think it might be the case or just a delusion?
The cameras? Or cities not being man made?
I meant the cameras, I don’t want to argue about what I call EVERLANCE (skyscrapers growing out of the ground) because it might trigger more than one person…
The cameras are 100% a delusion. The cities not being man made is something I could see a lot of people believing!
Aw shoot! Thanks for your input!
I believed that i was the only human who could tell when time dilated and constricted, and that if i died during a predetermined time constriction then i would become a singularity…and once i became a singularity i would become a black hole and become omniscient and bring about world peace and environmental restoration. It was just a grandiose delusion, tho, and i felt kind of silly when i realized that. I watch way too many science shows, i think!
Just the usual; that I can read minds and people can read mine. I have to fight against this a lot.
I actually think the neighbors are trying to read my mind and succeed sometimes.
I like that one lol. I had a similar delusion when I first got sick. I thought the center of existence was either mechanical or biological and that at the center of every universe there was either a baby or some kind of mech emitting consciousness.
My last one was that i became a savant and could calculate any physical action like throwing basketball, or golf or whatever because i could see the mathematical curve and correct body mechanics required to do it. I could see the parabolas and feel them and whatever other calulus that would estimate distance and velocity etc.
Turns out i was just psychotic lol
It wasn’t as intense but the same thing happened to me. The first time I was in the hospital we were outside during rec and every time I kicked a soccer ball I would see calculations and think I knew where the ball was gonna go lol
Yeah it was crazy. i was trying to show people how orbit works and all this other random sciencey stuff. Just half baked psychosis lol. And i was manic so i was gonna be a pro golfer pro basketball free throw guy, pro boomeranger lol and science experiment guy , oh and an artist and i thought i was developing perfect pitch with my singing voice (im a terrible singer) id hallucinate the pitch being perfect but if i recorded it, it was no good lol.
Its pretty much like your brain telling you something thats too good to be true lol
Probably that I live in the matrix or a computer simulation or computer program. It makes life miserable for me.
I have since rejected it or don’t believe in it. I have had several weird delusions over the years.
I believed I was in an infinite time loop and it involves gray aliens.
I think of quantum immortality, reincarnation, Boltzmann brains, solipsism, brain in a vat, poincare recurrence theorem, and black holes.
I thought the universe was a black hole and that it was a quantum computer and that time can reset.
I have had schizophrenia since 2011 or 2012. I believe my consciousness reverts back in time sort of like the Butterfly Effect for eternity.
I realize there is no evidence and that I have insight into my illness.
I have even used the Socratic Method to disprove my matrix delusion.
I currently don’t really think about it anymore (or as much).
I believe in God. I felt cursed in the past because I felt like the universe was deterministic and I have had schizophrenia nearly every time or iteration or past life in the current present. It’s like eternal recurrence or eternal return, basically. Many World’s Theory is similar. I read that a subset of universes repeat themselves for eternity/infinity. It’s pretty baseless and unprovable.
I used to believe that a cult could drive by my apartment and see through my walls to spy on me. I also used to believe that they could read minds.
Nowadays I think the only thing that most cults can read are credit card numbers. (Greedy sods).
All my grandiosities where Jesus related except for maybe some guitar cockiness lol