What little things make you happy

The little things that make me happy are cigarettes, startbucks, riding through a drive through at Mcdonalds to get a sweet tea, sitting at a park, turning on my overhead fan to help me sleep.


Coloring, bubble baths, food, coffee, watching my favorite shows.


it’s hard to say what little things make me happy. usually things that make me happy are big things like my brother or video games.

I mean, if there were little things that made me happy, and I suddenly wasn’t provided with those little things, I’d adapt. for example, I used to be grateful that youtube videos would auto-resume where they had left off. but that has stopped working, so now I just take screenshot and use a Google extension.

Starbucks, my journal, my comfy mattress and pillows, my Social Security check and (this is a BIG thing), my wonderful kids.

I like my mattress also. It’s new my mom just got it for me.

Making my first cup of coffee in the morning and not having to add water to the Keurig because the last person to use it didn’t.


Infants laughing…its contagious…


Coffee, food, cigarettes (though I’m cutting back and hoping to quit soon), music and my pets.

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Babies’ laughter is wonderful. When an adult is laughing, they may be happy but they always have some nagging problems in the back of their mind. When you see/hear a baby laughing, you are witnessing pure joy. :slight_smile:


my short answer was suppose to be: I like big things. but heaven forbid how everyone will interpret that.

lol dude, then you need to meet my brother. he will literally make you spray milk out your nose with laughter. :laughing:

Midgets and chihuahuas and mini-wheats.


Easy days- like clean house, order and predictability. Family time. I feel good if I achieve health goals needed like exercise. Otherwise I pretend to find joy in thinga

I like to eat well, this does not mean that it is expensive, I like to eat healthy, for example my x-mas dinner was just 3.5 euros and it was good, coffee makes me happy, little things like this, there are many others too, sometimes I am happy just to be alone, bicycle riding makes me happy and so on …

I just like to hike whether in winter or summer. I’m in Minnesota and when I was out walking this morning the temperature was -17°F with no wind chill and my dad was looking at me like “you’re nucking futs!" My dad’s dog Oliver doesn’t even like to be outside when it’s this cold. I love it.

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I lived one year (1989-90) in Upper Michigan (Houghton) and it was quite cold in winter, but I enjoyed walking to the computer lab in the Saturday evening and play with BITNET, then it was the Internet, little things like this …

I enjoy cooking soup so the whole house smells of it. And lately I like going to other places like hotels or relatives houses to stay a night with my wife. I think I like it because it feels like it could be a new beginning somehow.


Books, coffee with hubby, coming on here, music, going to library or beach or flea market, eating something nice like pasta or pizza. And a back scratch from hubby definitely!

smoking while iam reading your posts.
staring the sea.
playing with my cat

Ninjas, world if it considered little in the universe, games,books,drawing,birds, flowers, sun, coco pops, chocolate, soup,pizza, bath, tennis,desires, ,mom, people, visions, abilify,antipsychotics,friends if so little, pijamas, watching youtube, positive mind, cool things, dragons,

Hi @mjseu, I went to Michigan Tech for undergrad! I loved it there, the winters grew on me.