What keeps you going?

Hey guys as above, thoughts?

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My kids and close friends, that’s what keeps me going.


With my arthritis, days I don’t hurt much keep me going. Also, not being ready to die yet. I’m 61 years old.


I dunno, i always wake up, but than. Fck all.:joy:
Sometimes i wake up grumpy, sometimes she let me sleep.


I really don’t know, im just clinging on - maybe a die hard habit?

At the moment i’m looking forward to spring / summer, perhaps a vacation, but i don’t think thats enough reason to keep on trucking in this life.


Just a will to survive combined with a fear of death.


Same as @everhopeful.


Just survival instict.i don t know why i live seriously

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my mum, dad and siblings keep me going… and my bff in scotland too… without them i’d be gone already…


Being dead doesn’t appeal to me


The notion that sustained bliss is possible.


The love I get from friends and family. Mixed with the same energy that keeps the Universe going.


I should say something like love, or my friends and family. They are part of it. But mostly, what keeps me going is the overwhelming fear of failure if I stop


Maybe I misinterpreted that. I thought it was asking “what keeps you from doing nothing all day?”

If the question is “what keeps you alive?” Then my answer is “I just genuinely don’t want to be dead.”


I’m too stubborn and bitter to stop :joy: probably not the best reasons


fear of the unknown and uncertain. if something happens to my mom tho thats probably the end for me.

i have stuff i enjoy but feel incompetent. i am not too depressed lately but just dont think i am capable of making it on my own

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The little things. A good cup of coffee in the morning. A nice walk in nature. A good song. The passing of the seasons. A funny meme. A good conversation.


I’m too scared to do much, my issues are worse than ever…
The only reason I am alive is because I’m scared of death…

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I just kinda do what I can.

I’m able to work, so I work.
I’m able to take college classes so I do it.
I’m able to live mostly independently and I like it, so I do it.

The goal is to maintain my standard or style of living and that motivates me to do what’s necessary to achieve that. That means I may have to do things I might not like doing but most of the time I’m OK with that.

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I have no idea what keeps me going. I can not engage in my old hobbys. I have the whole day for myself and all what is left is being tired all day long. Suffering from insomnia since a year, but with the new medication I managed to sleep seven hours. Which is a new record. Sometimes I want to pick up gaming again. But it doesn’t work out that great, too many voices and delusions.

I think I just stay up from bed to smoke and watch some videos. Other than that I wouldn’t stand up from my bed to do some activity. There is a lot of self pitty and negative thoughts. Sometimes I’m wondering that I might await the day when my father dies. And then something new would happen, maybe homeless, maybe less freedom.

Because here at my fathers place I have a lot of freedom. Nobody disturbing me, they cook again now everyday dinner when they come from work, I don’t need to do anything. Wearing the same clothes for over a week and showering once after a week. My past hunts me in my thoughts.

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